How Augmented Reality Remote Assistance is Transforming the Working of Businesses?

Augmented reality is booming expeditiously in current business environments. More and more businesses are opting for different AR applications due to their multi-ranging benefits. Augmented reality remote assistance is a significant technology that is creating a buzz across various businesses. From manufacturing to retail to customer service, the use of AR remote assistance is becoming […]

How Automation Can Improve Your Clinic Management

Automation is a breakthrough, game-changing process that occurs in all relevant fields of industry, economy, and customer service today. When proclaimed, it implies modernization and vastly increased efficiency that follow hand in hand. But what exactly does it imply in relation to healthcare? And, most importantly, how can automation improve your clinic management? Speaking broadly, […]

Top Reasons Why Identity Verification Matters for Mobile Networks

In today’s world, almost four billion people own a mobile gadget. Everyone has grown dependent on their device to do daily things like online shopping, gaming, e-banking, chatting, emailing, and more. The only caveat is hackers and fraudsters abound, attempting to access valuable information. Mobile Network Operators have beefed up their security with innovative service […]