Social Media Marketing Strategy To Boost Ecommerce – Traffic?

Social Media Platforms have become an essential medium for brands than ever before to increase their sales. Today, social platforms have evolved into more of a marketing medium due to their whooping user base. Until a few years ago, social platforms were considered to be the place for teens and people in their twenties. But […]

Importance of Social Commerce for Business

Facebook pages promoting fancy handmade products, Instagram ads that introduce you to authentic organic farms or even the most high-end brands offering discounts via their official handles; all of them share one thing in common: the smartest use of social media. Platforms that were originally created for better networking are now doubling up as modern […]

Top 5 Reasons why digital wallets are the future of payments

The modern payment processing system is an intricate network of banks, merchants, consumers, and payment processors. In the last decade, we have seen a massive shift from physical payments to digital payments. The usage of cash, credit cards are now shifted towards digital payments through eWallet payment system, mobile payment apps, UPIs, and EMV. Smart […]

What makes social media marketing so important?

Our daily lives are dominated by various social media handles such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Important political leaders such as the U.S. President use Twitter to interact with their citizens. Students use LinkedIn to search for jobs or connect with prospective employers. Travel and food bloggers use Instagram to post photos from their […]

Social Listening: How to Leverage it for Your Business

Always listen first before you speak – It is something we have been taught while growing up. As individuals are trained to understand the importance of active listening and thoughtful communication, brands do not always have the strategies or tools to do so at scale. When you are running any business, it is necessary to […]