10 Best e-Learning Platforms that Have Altered the Way Students Study

Virtual Education has been growing at a phenomenal pace in India. The unique blend of investor confidence and tech advancements has made the landscape lucrative for startups operating in the education-technology (or edTech) space. The confluence of factors like pedagogy, user experience, analytics, and gamification has further improved the impact of these edTech startups. Let’s […]

What are the main reasons why one should learn Python Programming?

One of the most widely recognized inquiries we get notification from people planning to enter the IT business is, “What programming languages do I have to know?” Obviously, this is an intricate inquiry, and the appropriate response will rely upon what field the questioner is going into. However, those as of now in IT know […]

Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized most if not all sectors and the healthcare industry has not been left behind. Powered by machine learning algorithms to train computer systems to think, act, and make decisions like humans, AI in the healthcare industry is being applied to transform the patient experience, clinical practice, diagnosis, treatment, resource management, and […]

How to develop successful social media policies for your business?

Social media has become an integral part of modern business, providing a powerful tool for connecting with customers, building brand awareness and driving sales. However, without proper guidelines in place, social media can also be a source of risk and liability for businesses.  Developing a comprehensive social media policy is crucial for ensuring that your […]