The power of social networks: 10 Best Social Media Strategies for Promoting Your Fashion Brand

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok… The list of social media platforms is endless.  And the world has fallen prey to them all. As of January 2020, there are 3.80 billion social media users worldwide. That’s a more than 9% increase since last year- amounting to 321 million new users. Moreover, on average, a person spends […]

How hiring the right advertising firm can help your business?

Every business desires to thrive and reach more customers. Sadly, about 20% of small businesses fail in their initial year of operation. Hiring an independent advertising agency can revitalize your company’s ad campaign and hasten its growth. Lead generation is essential for the development of any brand. However, it’s not always easy. You ought to […]

Social Listening: How to Leverage it for Your Business

Always listen first before you speak – It is something we have been taught while growing up. As individuals are trained to understand the importance of active listening and thoughtful communication, brands do not always have the strategies or tools to do so at scale. When you are running any business, it is necessary to […]

Don’t know the answer to an interview question? Here’s what you can do.

No matter how hard one prepares for an interview, it is impossible to predict and practice for each and every question that the interviewer can throw at you. So, what do you do if you are asked a question that you have not prepared for? You need to understand that interviewers are not seeking a […]