Helping Entrepreneurs to Create Better Customer Experience with AR

Introduction Customers are the true asset of every organization. According to you, what is the top requirement for maintaining a healthy relationship with them? The answer may cover a range of options. It includes satisfying their needs, problem resolving nature, shows a positive attitude, and the list goes on. In this unending list, connectivity is […]

How On-Demand Apps Are Changing Branded Interactions

The on-demand economy has disrupted several industries very rapidly. In fact, it currently accounts for more than $57 billion in annual consumer spending. The rise of popular services like Uber has yielded on-demand apps for ordering food, scheduling medical appointments, finding dog walkers, and much more. Users have enthusiastically embraced the convenience these products offer. […]

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Mobile App Development?

Before diving into AI and Mobile App Development, let’s take a look at this timeline. The concept of Artificial Intelligence or Robotics or Machines that can think like human and make decisions like humans goes back to Antiquity and Greek Myths. Who doesn’t know about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as well as Karel Čapek’s play R.U.R. […]

The New Decade of Marketing: Focus on Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO refers to a systematic process which aims to increase the site traffic or visitors who take action, like filling out a form or convert into customers. Now more than ever, CRO helps consumers, executives, and investors progress in the marketing funnel to optimize the return of investment or ROI. In […]