Importance of Social Commerce for Business

Facebook pages promoting fancy handmade products, Instagram ads that introduce you to authentic organic farms or even the most high-end brands offering discounts via their official handles; all of them share one thing in common: the smartest use of social media. Platforms that were originally created for better networking are now doubling up as modern […]

How is data analytics changing the world?

Unfathomable chunks of data and incapability of organisations to decipher them have led to the growing significance of data science in the business world. Today, data analytics is a core function across various industries and brings better value to the table. The increasing dominance of data analytics has transformed the business dynamics and processes for […]

Principles-First Web Design And Other Professional Approach To Follow

In order to beat the competition and ensure success in business in today’s marketplace all businesses must think of their business principles first. This will help them to design a business strategy and most importantly a business website that will be based on principle-first design. You may tend to think what your business principle really […]