How To Launch An eCommerce Store With Minimal Capital?

Launching a successful eCommerce business can be quite challenging. Some estimates peg the failure rate of eCommerce to be over 80%. There are a few reasons why so many businesses fail. Firstly, running an online store requires expertise in several independent functions like supply chain, marketing, technology and accounting. It also requires capital investment in […]

EaseUS Data Recovery Software – Must for You to Manage Database

EaseUS data recovery software must be evaluated by you. Customers need to be much innovative and dynamic to take care of their digital lives fantastically. Needless to say, EaseUS data recovery toolkit must be a roadmap to them to manage their online remote offices. It is one of the indispensable tools for professional freelancers, corporate […]

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Redefine Traditional Software Testing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and software testing aren’t usually discussed in tandem, but this trend is changing. AI is poised to play a major role in how software is tested and evaluated for quality. AI bots that assist in testing is just the beginning of this change. Today’s software has become more complex. An application usually […]