Programmatic Advertising

The automated buying and selling of online ad space are the defining characteristic of Programmatic Advertising, a revolutionary approach to digital marketing. Programmatic advertising uses sophisticated algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimize and streamline the purchasing of advertisements as opposed to manually negotiating contracts and rates. Gourmet Ads is a leader in Programmatic Advertising, […]

The Benefits and Limitations of AI in Amazon Product Listing Optimization

Selling products on Amazon can be highly competitive and challenging for its sellers, with millions of products listed. As a result, Amazon product listing optimization has become increasingly important for businesses looking to succeed and stand out. However, this can be a daunting task for an eCommerce seller with multiple product listings to take care […]

Covid-19 and the Printing Industry: Curb the Slowdown and be Future Ready

You probably might have read hundreds of articles greeting you with how awful this ‘new world’ is. I will save you on that and quickly come to the topic that we will be discussing. Here’s a question for you. People buy essentials like masks, sanitizers, medicines, groceries, etc. But do they purchase the ‘usual’ stuff? […]