Importance of Packaging design in brand marketing

The art and science of designing a product’s packaging’s look, feel, and structure significantly impacts customers. From the physical container and labeling to stamping the brand identity, every aspect of the packaging is carefully crafted to make a lasting impression on the target audience. But why is so much time spent researching a thing that […]

The Metaverse: What It Is and How to Market Your Brand in It

Introduction Imagine entering a world where the lines between digital and physical media are blurred, allowing your brand to engage with customers in a setting where the only constraints are your imagination. Greetings from the metaverse, a new frontier in consumer engagement that is quickly taking the lead. The global metaverse revenue opportunity is expected […]

How to Leverage Social Media to Position a Brand Effectively

If there’s one thing you can be certain of today’s consumers is that everyone uses social media. Although social media is nothing new, it is still another world for many businesses. However, if companies realize the importance of social media, they can leverage its power to position their brand effectively. Brand positioning may not be […]

3 Brand Marketing Trends in 2024 That You Can Use for Your Business

Are you struggling to keep your business afloat? Racking your brains about how to market your products or services? Thinking of ways on how to best put your brand in the best light? Then worry not as there are new brand marketing trends that can infuse new life into your flagging brand or business. What’s […]

What Does a Brand Ambassador Do?

Brand ambassadors are integral in enhancing brand awareness and promoting products or services. As an official representative of a company, a brand ambassador develops meaningful relationships with target audiences, provides customer insights, creates engaging content, and collaborates with internal teams to achieve key objectives. The specific responsibilities of a brand ambassador can vary but typically […]

The Role of Advertising in Social Awareness

Advertising entails an activity that is promotional in nature. Through it, brands aim at selling their products and services to their clients via electronic, print, or digital forms. Being one of the earliest forms of marketing, it influences its audience to engage with the brand’s message, which tells its niche audience to buy the advertised […]

5 Ways AR Technologies Benefit Social Media Brands

Most large companies use social media for marketing purposes. It helps to convey information to the target audience more easily. In fact, as of 2022, there are nearly 4 billion social media users. It’s also easier for companies to get feedback from consumers. And product presentations become more visible and reach a wider audience. Ordinary […]