These Fantasy Sports Start-Ups are Warming Up

What used to be a team-building, social activity in offices and on college campuses has now become a legitimate money-maker – thanks to the development of more daily fantasy rounds. This app development agency will tell you how fantasy sports companies are forecast to become hundred-million dollar businesses through sports start-ups. Sports media powerhouses like […]

jQuery search and highlight text

Using jQuery you can search and highlight text within a div from array of elements and wrap a highlight span around each word. Example to search and highlight text: <script type=”text/javascript”> var regex = /(Rubbish|Like|Rough|Raw|Doggie|Billy)/ig; $(‘#divID’).each(function() { var $this = $(this); var text = $this.text(); if (regex.test(text)) { $this.html( $this.html().replace(regex, ‘<span>$1</span>’) ); } }); </script>