How To Launch An eCommerce Store With Minimal Capital?

Launching a successful eCommerce business can be quite challenging. Some estimates peg the failure rate of eCommerce to be over 80%. There are a few reasons why so many businesses fail. Firstly, running an online store requires expertise in several independent functions like supply chain, marketing, technology and accounting. It also requires capital investment in […]

7 social media blunders that can cost your business

Nowadays social media is home to both big and small enterprises. These businesses use social media to market and promote their brands in a variety of ways. Sadly, many organizations make blunders in their strategies that can cost them heavily. Below are seven common social media blunders that you might make. If you’re guilty ensure […]

How to Improve Your Business Privacy?

Cybersecurity and protection of confidential data are very important for any business, as hackers have become a lot more sophisticated in their attacking techniques nowadays. New malware and viruses are getting released on the internet every now and then, which is used by cyber criminals to steal confidential data from businesses such as account numbers, […]

Role of Mobile Apps in Marketing

Mobile apps have been evidently emerging as the essential fuel for businesses to keep themselves up and running. Understanding the utility of such mobile apps, getting the right benefits from it could actually mean a complete transformation in the conventional ways of conducting online business. So how could mobile apps be competitively used for mobile […]

What is the digital transformation of an organization?

Digital Transformation involves the transformation of a business’ existing processes with the use of digital technologies to make them more efficient. The core idea lies in using technologies not just to digitalize the existing services but to completely transform them into something notably better. Digital transformation doesn’t merely rely on a single technology, but it […]

Entrepreneurship: The way to eliminate unemployment and escalate economic development

Increasing population has increased the problem of unemployment, and the unemployed youth means the low economic development of the nation. Due to various reasons, poverty level always remains beyond the stipulated line. So, the government encourages the small and medium enterprise to eradicate the poverty. Medium and small businesses are the spine of every nation’s […]