Role of Peer-to-peer Technology In Bitcoins- Points To Note

Since 2009 there has been a considerable shift in the technology domain that would stop from digitization to the introduction of artificial intelligence. The change has been evident. Amongst all these developments, we cannot miss talking about decentralized technology visit the website for more queries. While decentralized technology is not new in the picture but […]

Inflated volumes in Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Just a few months ago, a very controversial document was released to the public. Bitwise’s 104-page research on cryptocurrency exchanges shook the waters of the crypto community. In the document, the experienced authors used analysis methods to uncloak to analyze the deliberate inconsistencies linked with trading volumes. Their findings were disappointing for the crypto community […]

An Essential Benefits of Customized Restaurant Online Food Ordering Script

Restaurant’s online order management system is an absolute necessity for restaurant owners or who manages identified deals with online food order. There is loads of online Food Ordering Script accessible in market. Essentially they are ordered into independent software solutions and Saas based cloud subscription models. The best piece of picking online food ordering software […]