The claims about LED skin devices certainly sound appealing. They are supposed to treat everything from wrinkles, redness, and signs of aging to acne, scars, and dark spots.
If you’ve recently been to a spa or even a pharmacy, you’ve probably seen one of the many treatments and products used to improve skin condition, including light therapy. The question is whether these claims are valid. Can LED lights really do all of these things for your skin? And above all, are they safe?
Let’s explore the uses, effectiveness, safety, & procedure of LED Light Therapy. For a more detailed explanation, you can check out this article.
What is LED Light Therapy?
LED stands for light-emitting diode. These lamps have been used since the 1960s, but people have only recently started using them to treat their skin. Initially, NASA developed LED lights for plant growth experiments in space.
However, SLEs have shown promising outcomes in wound healing and human tissue growth. Different wavelengths of LED lights, including blue and red, penetrate the skin at different depths and it is one of the Affordable beauty staples loved by celebrities. This penetration can trigger biological processes that help the skin to regenerate and heal.
Blue Light
Experts believe that the blue LED light reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, which are small oil-producing glands in the skin. This reduced activity causes the glands to produce less oil, which can improve acne symptoms.
Blue light can also kill a type of bacteria that contributes to acne by causing inflammation. Research in animals indicates that blue light can improve the healing of third-degree burns.
Red Light
Red light therapy can improve stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. It can do this by acting on fibroblasts, which are skin cells responsible for the production of collagen.
Collagen is a protein contained in the human skin and other connective tissues. It plays a role in healing the skin. The body produces less collagen as a people age, causing the skin to show signs of aging. Red light also reduces inflammation of the skin.
LED Light Therapy for Skin: Uses
LED light therapy can treat a variety of skin conditions, including:
- acne
- eczema
- psoriasis
- rosacea
- wound healing
- dermatitis
- dull skin
- scars
- wrinkles and age spots
- sun damage
- other inflammatory skin conditions
LED Light Therapy for Skin: Effectiveness
Research indicates that LED light therapy can be effective in healing wounds and other types of skin lesions. In the past, the Navy SEALs have used LED light therapy to help heal wounds. The treatment resulted in an improvement of more than 40% in musculoskeletal injuries among team members. It also condensed wound healing time.
Several studies suggest that LED light therapy devices can improve a variety of skin conditions, including psoriasis and mild to moderate acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people with acne will see progress in their symptoms when they use LED light therapy. However, they should not expect all acne to go away.
It is essential to have several treatment sessions before seeing an improvement in the appearance of the skin. People often see the best results several weeks after their last treatment. Follow-up sessions may also be necessary to maintain these results. Orthodontic appliances tend to be less effective than professional treatments.
LED Light Therapy for Skin: Safety
One of the main advantages of LED light therapy is its safety record. As research suggests, LED light therapy has an excellent safety profile. It does not contain ultraviolet rays, which can harm the skin. Therefore, LED light therapy can be used regularly.
Unlike chemical peels, LED light therapy does not cause burns. Besides, the treatment is also safe for all skin types and colors.
However, it is essential to protect your eyes from light while wearing them. One brand, Neutrogena, called off its acne phototherapy mask in July in response to concerns about the device’s potential to damage the eyes of people with underlying eye conditions.
However, the effects of these devices are still poorly understood. “The long-term safety of LED light therapy remains uncertain,” says Dr. Marissa Heller, assistant professor of dermatology, Harvard Medical School. So be sure to choose the reliable light therapy device, we advise you to check out Platinum LED.
Also, if you are looking to treat a medical problem with LED light therapy, always confirm the diagnosis with a doctor first. For instance, some people use light therapy to treat sun damage. If you don’t see a doctor, you may not know if it really is skin cancer or some other condition that will not improve with the device.
LED Light Therapy for Skin: Procedure
According to the Esthetician EDU, each LED light therapy treatment lasts approximately 20 minutes. You may need up to 10 total treatments, depending on the results you want to achieve.
Some providers require you to lie directly under the lights, while others use wands with LED light directly on your skin. The choice often depends on the office and the treatment area.
Procedures at Home
If you can’t get to a healthcare professional’s office, you can always try LED light therapy at home. The devices come in the form of masks or wands that are applied to the face for several minutes at a time. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully
Target Areas
While LED light therapy can be used anywhere on the body. However, its most popular use is for the face. Skin lesions tend to occur on the face because it is more exposed to the elements than other parts of the body. Also, LED therapy can be used on the chest and neck, which are other areas that tend to show signs of aging.
Don’t forget to wear eye protection so that the light does not damage your eyes. Whether you use LED lights at home or visit a provider for treatment, be sure to avoid putting makeup during your session.
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