In the present world, people have attractive app ideas and they want to transform their idea into reality. But how many are achieved their dream and transform their app idea into reality? It is not easy to develop a mobile application. It requires a lot of knowledge and experience. That’s why it is difficult to develop a mobile app without proper knowledge. But mobile app development companies can easily develop applications on various platforms with their knowledge and expertise.
Why people want to develop an app. It may be a meet the requirements and solve the problems faced in their business or want to be a leader in their niche market by using a mobile application. So how to develop a mobile application. Here are some important steps to follow for creating a top-notch mobile application
- Set your goals
Different situations that faced by a person will be origin for the application idea. It may be an entrepreneur faces a lot of difficulties in their business and want to reduce their complexity through a mobile app or an enthusiast want to develop an app which will help to a lot of people and for solving their problems and other reasons also there for an app idea.
Setting proper goals is the most important aspect of mobile app development. It is a waste to develop an app without a strong purpose. Everyone who wants to develop an app has to question themselves, why I need to develop an app.
1. Getting any benefits from your app to others
2. It is for help or entertainment purpose
3. How much time it takes to grow
4. How you desire about your app work with users.
If you have gone through all these questions. You will get a clear idea and which area you have to concentrate more on developing a successful application and can easily set your goals.
- Sketch your mobile app idea
Start your App sketch with pen and paper before developing an application. Do brainstorm and Draw all the app ideas in your mind with the features that you want to include and sketch will help you to get the UI designs for your app. Not only with pen and paper, but you can also use design language (material design) which is developed by Google in the year 2014. It enables you to use grid-based layouts, transition and animations & navigation bar..etc of your app.
- Market Research
After getting the app idea, the next step is doing proper market research and the chances or the ability to develop an app successfully and release into the market. While doing research you can get new ideas and can find the requirements needed for the application.
- Which features are essential and what are the features that will make your app as a top one in the market
- Which platform is going to use for developing either ios or android or any cross-platform or hybrid
- Check the competitor apps which are similar to your app and how it is successful and what the features that are incorporated in that app 4. Analyse the total cost to develop and duration for developing & etc.
- After developing the mobile application, promoting is the core part. In which way you are going to promote your app in an effective way.
- know about challenges in Testing and debugging the app after releasing it into the market.
- Wireframe
It is one of the most advanced and essential activities in mobile app development life cycle. It will give a clear idea about your app and how your mobile application will be used.
Wireframe of a mobile application will provide the following information
- Explains how an application will assist the target audience
- Page elements, content and navigations on the screen for user and the place for main objects
- Front-end & Back-end
Once the wireframe is finished for your app and go for the real-time development of an application. It is the most crucial aspect and most of the designers and developers struck.
It will be done in two ways. One is front-end design and another one is back-end development.
Front-end is the part that a user can see from an app. It is a combination of interfaces and component which a user can communicate. and Back-end deals with the functionality of an app and collects and store the data from front-end.
Building back-end is the best and it takes a lot of time when compared to front -end designing. If you have done the front-end first then you might be punished when new features and functionalities added in the back-end. If you build back-end first, it may manage the front-end.
- Testing and Finalization
Every app has gone through minor and major changes in the process of development. It is important to regularly test the app after each and every change. The main reason for testing the application is to know or aware of the issues, Dead-ends and crashes or any technical problems in the mobile application.
Testing is done through the service of friends or colleagues and even family members also. Your app will perfectly suit for all kind of people, then only it will be successful in the market. Application with a lot of errors and bugs will damage the brand of business and cause for the bad name to a business.
You can hire a professional or expert tester for testing your application in various situations.
After getting an APK for your application. Anyone can simply install and test the app on multiple platforms.
Testing your app on one or two devices is the biggest blunder done by most of the testers. An app should test in a proper way on various devices and it takes a lot of time. It is good to spend more time testing before releasing it into the market.
If an application is released into the market and has a lot of bugs and errors. Users are not interested to use your application. The reason why most of the applications failed to sustain in the market is the lack of precise testing a mobile application.
Do proper testing and released it into the market is a clever idea taken by a business person.
I hope you have understood the different stages or steps involved in the development of a mobile application and all the above-mentioned steps will help you develop a successful mobile application and if you want more assistance for developing, then hire a top app development company and develop your dream app into reality.
Saisaanvi is a digital marketer and technical writer of best Mobile App Development Company in Dubai. She has written on various topics including digital marketing and app development related topics. She always wants to gain and share her knowledge with the people who want to learn new things in digital marketing and mobile app technologies