Why Is Healthcare Data Security Important?

You have probably heard a lot of people talking about the digital revolution and the huge changes it has prompted in the way data can be accessed and processed. But how exactly does the digital revolution impact the field of healthcare and the patients who receive it? There are a few distinct standards for the […]

Data Breach 101: The Consequences Involved And How To Prevent It From Happening

As more and more businesses conduct their transactions and upload valuable data online, data breaches have become more common. Almost in a matter of minutes, hackers can infiltrate your company’s network and access your confidential records. How can a data breach impact your business? 1. Your company’s reputation will be damaged. If cyber hackers steal […]

Mobile App Automation: Challenges and Solutions

Globally, mobile device usage has exploded in the past few decades. Statista ‘s prediction shows that smartphone users in 2040 will exceed 1.5 billion. It is easy to imagine the mobile testing challenges the backend team will face in the future. The demand for mobile apps has increased worldwide due to the explosion of mobile […]

A Beginner’s Guide To Digital Asset Management

A digital asset is any content a brand preserves in a digital format. It’s what a brand uses to connect with its audience. Examples of these assets include ads, images, videos, logos, brochures, frequently used fonts, and documents. Nowadays, companies possess more digital assets than ever, and they’re being utilized across many diverse outlets by […]

The Biggest Risks Concerning Small Businesses

Introduction Small businesses don’t have the extensive resources or the stunning manpower that their larger brethren do, but these companies still need to soldier on through many of the same risks. That means they face many of the same challenges that large businesses do. Without the latter’s combined knowledge, manpower, and resources, small businesses can […]

What Qualifications Do You Need for a Career in Cyber Security?

We live in a highly interconnected world, where data is the new currency. Today, data is worth billions, and it’s actually more valuable than oil. But unlike tangible commodities such as oil, data is susceptible to cyberattacks, which are nasty and incredibly costly to fix. What does that mean? It means there is a high […]