Why use jQuery on() instead of click()

Using Delegate and Undelegate in jQuery

The on() method attaches one or more event handler functions for one or more events to the selected elements.

Event handlers attached using the jQuery on() method will work for both current and future elements i.e. dynamic element created by a script.

Note: As of jQuery version 1.7, the jQuery on() method is the new replacement for the jQuery bind(), live() and delegate() methods.

To attach an event to the selected element that only runs once and then removes itself, you can use the one() method.

$(selector).on(event, childSelector, data, function, map)

So, why use jQuery on() instead of click()? Any idea?

Because you might have a dynamically generated elements (for example an AJAX call), you might want to have the same click handler that was previously bound to the same element selector You then “delegate” the click event using on() with selector argument.

Get more details from jQuery documentation.

Below example can describe the problem easily.

Suppose you have following HTML:

<ul id=”click”>

<li>List item with click</li>


<ul id=”on”>

<li>List item with on</li>


And this is the script:

$(‘#click li’).click(function() {

$(this).parent().append($(‘<li>List item with click</li>’));


$(‘#on’).on(‘click’, ‘li’, function() {

$(this).parent().append($(‘<li>List item with on</li>’));


So, in this case, if you click on “<li>” within id “on” then you can append “<li>” within that id. Again if you click on dynamic appended “<li>” then you can also append “<li>” within that id.

But, if you click on “<li>” within id “click” then you can append “<li>” within that id. Again if you click on dynamic appended “<li>” then you can not append “<li>” within that id as this is added in future. Only clicking on first “<li>”, you can append “<li>”.

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