Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Filipino job applicants would rarely write their own resumes. For better or worse, standardized “bio-data” sheets that could be bought from office supplies stores were widely popular and were simply filled in. This was not ideal, as HR departments would often be challenged with sifting out all the irrelevant data.
Thankfully, the dreaded bio-data sheet is almost extinct, at least in most contemporary Filipino companies. Because even working-class Filipinos have access to computers and printers through internet cafes and “pisonet” shops, writing your own resume is now the rule, rather than the exception.
Unfortunately, even over 30 years onward, many Filipino job applicants have kept the bad resume habits of older generations. While the standard bio-data sheet is rare, Filipino job applicants are, by and large, continuing to send in resumes that are rife with things that employers hate.
Filipino employers today will definitely appreciate it if your resume ticks the following boxes.
1.) Relevant
Resumes are not the same as bio-data sheets. They’re not even the same as a CV, even if you hear them being called the same thing. A good resume doesn’t have to contain all your professional and personal details. In fact, a resume will only contain the information that will be of direct interest to the employer.
This means that if you’re not a fresh graduate, there’s no need to include school achievements and activities on your resume. There is usually no need to include hobbies, the type of adobo that you cook, or the names of your children, especially if it’s not relevant to the job.
There’s no need to include your blood type, weight, religion, or even photos for that matter. Including this type of information can even work against you by unnecessarily exposing yourself to possible prejudice, even before your initial interview.
2.) Logical
Your latest work experiences should always be on the top, then your earlier ones at the bottom, in what some people refer to as a chronological or reverse chronological layout. Regardless of what you want to call it, it’s important that anyone reading your resume will be able to read about your latest experiences and achievements seconds after reading your resume.
Because your latest experiences are usually more relevant, this means you can also omit a few details from your older experiences so you can make your resume have the next quality.
3.) Concise
Resumes should ideally only be one or two pages long. Three is probably too long and already pushing it with a ton of irrelevant details. Even a CEO from a multinational corporation can probably keep their resume to just one page. Chances are, you don’t need to do more.
4.) Objective
Data-driven decision-making is finally being taken seriously in the Philippines. This means employers want to see concrete achievements from applicants that could be supported by data. If you grew a department’s revenue, don’t just leave it at that. Also include by how much, and how you did it. This will not only give employers a better idea of your capabilities, but it will also show them that you are able to use data to your advantage.
5.) Accurate
Lastly, Philippine HR departments today are much better at finding out who lies on their resume, thanks in large part to the internet. It’s fairly easy to see if some tall tale actually holds water or is a complete fabrication. For this reason, you should never lie on your resume. You will get found out, and perhaps even get blacklisted.
Before you write that resume, you need to find the perfect job. Mynimo makes it incredibly easy, offering powerful localization features that let you find the jobs you want, in the places nearest to you.
For any types of queries, you can contact us on info[at]