4 expert social media tips for new businesses

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool. When used well, it can make sales skyrocket. Some entrepreneurs have built their entire businesses on social media because of the power it has, but when you are just starting, it can be a little daunting as you learn your way around. These expert social media tips will give you the push you need to succeed.

1. Have a plan

You must have had a business strategy when you started your business, a template to guide you where you were going and how you plan to get there. The same goes for social media. With a plan, you will have clear goals of what you plan to achieve, have ways to measure your results and be sure that your social efforts are supporting a specific business goal. Your social strategy or social media tips will also force you to spy on the competition to learn what others are doing that’s working as well as find inspiration.

2. Decide the best platform to use

Are you going to be on Tinder, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook? All social media sites have different personalities, and while you may create profiles on all of them, it’s always best to specialize in one or two. If you are targeting millennials, for instance, you might be best suited to use Facebook since 84% of all millennials are on the platform. This means you must be deliberate about your posts, profile picture, and Facebook cover videos. According to recent surveys, 60% of consumers spend time watching branded videos on Facebook, while 64% of consumers say watching a marketing video influenced their buying decision. Make your cover video stand out and sell your business.

3. Show your brand identity

Posting on social media is not about waking up in the morning and typing a few words for your followers and customers. You have to be deliberate about what you post and ensure your brand remains authentic and original. Your social media message has to communicate the same tone and vision your other advertising does, so you don’t confuse your visitors. Businesses also make the mistake of showing the value of their products or services and forget to show their brand identity. Although the main interest is to sell, it’s easier to connect with your customers when you share a common point of view with your funs.

4. Listen more than you promote

Again, brands spend more time promoting than they do listening to their audience. Social media offers you an open-ended platform that you can use to engage with your clients. The more social you are, the better the engagements you get, and ultimately, the more you sell. Look at your frequently asked questions or what people are talking about most on social media and use that to create content. Since they are already interested in the topic, they will engage with you. You don’t have to rack your brain to come up with new content all the time. Repurposing your content and making it feel fresh is a great way to keep your social active and engaging.

2 thoughts on “4 expert social media tips for new businesses”

  1. I think one more thing that is important is consistency. If you post occasionally then it won’t help you that much.

  2. I love your tip to listen more than you promote. That’s a great tip! So many just promote away and never even engage with others on social media. Also as they are so many places to be, knowing which one(s) to choose is key today. No sense on being on a platform where your audience is not.

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