It takes approximately 30 days to recover completely from a concussion. Factors like eating healthy and high protein meals and getting adequate rest ensure a speedy recovery.
A concussion occurs due to traumatic brain injuries. Any type of head trauma can directly affect the brain because of direct force or due to rapid shift and turn of the brain. Causes could be blows, shaking, or falls.
Though concussion is usually mild, doctors consider it a serious problem. So, what to do after a concussion?
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) aren’t rare. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that more than 2.5 million TBI-induced ED visits, hospitalizations, and even deaths occur in the US per year. At the same time, many more cases of TBI go unreported.
Leading Causes of TBIs
As per CDC reports, 35% of cases of TBI fatalities are due to falls, whereas 17% are due to traffic accidents. TBIs resulting from traffic accidents are usually nonfatal.
When it concerns TBIs, gender and age are two important variables. For instance, falls lead to serious injuries in people over 65, whereas motor vehicle accidents leading to TBIs are more common in people aged 15 to 34.
Unfortunately, homicide is also one of the causes of TBI related fatalities in infants and younger children.
If a patient loses consciousness after a brain injury, it is a sign of severe damage. The longer the time of unconsciousness, the worse maybe the prognosis. Immediately after the incident, concussions victims experience symptoms like dizziness, headaches, confusion, blackout, memory loss, balance issues, nausea, vomiting, and swinging head.
Some other problems that may not be present immediately following the accident, but could take few months are:
- Hearing loss (which you should get a hearing check for)
- Vision loss
- Loss of taste and smell
- Loss of tactile sensation
- Cognitive deficits like widespread loss of memory and lack of clarity of thoughts
- Speaking disability
- Seizures
Recovery Timeline from Concussions
Concussion may or may not have long-term effects. However, it is estimated that 20 percent of people experience persistent post-concussion syndrome, in which symptoms last for over 6 weeks.
Overall, recovery time varies from one person to another. Moreover, each case of concussion is different, and the recovery path varies.
Note that not all symptoms of concussions are noticeable immediately after the injury. Some may not have symptoms at all. However, eventually, it starts affecting the quality of life.
Why Does a TBI Sufferer Need A Lawyer?
In most cases, TBIs are the result of recklessness and negligence, or even malice. In any such case, the victims and their families need a brain injury attorney to assist them in filing a concussion lawsuit to get a well-deserved and essential compensation for long-term care.
Even in those states having the provision for no-fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) provide compensation to pay for essential medical expenses and loss of income. A fault is considered if the injured person pursues a legal claim for personal injury, including noneconomic damages like pain.
An experienced attorney can:
- Negotiate with the respondent and insurance companies
- Investigate the accident site
- Examine medical reports, videos, and police records
- Interview witnesses
- Investigate record of the defendant
- Consult experts in respective fields for testimony
There are many ways to prove the other party responsible for TBI damages. All you need is an experienced attorney to claim sufficient damages.

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