With the weather becoming warmer and sunnier, the call to enjoy the outdoors will definitely be harder to ignore.
When you have a lawn, you and your family won’t need to go far to get up close and personal with nature. Your outdoor space will be enough for your kids to explore and learn more about the local flora and fauna. It will also be the perfect place for everyone to play and engage in various fun activities such as picnics and even gardening tasks.
Although your yard is the best place for your kids to play and learn, unfortunately, it can also be full of potential hazards. Providers of lawn treatments from Independence, Missouri say these include fertilizers, pesticides, gardening equipment, and tools.
To ensure your kids’ safety, you don’t have to keep your children out of your yard, though. You can actually have a lush, clean, and beautiful lawn where your kids can safely and happily play by following the tips below:
1. Mow less frequently
When you have kids, it is best to mow every two weeks instead of weekly. Leave the grass a little longer as well. By doing so, the grass will provide a softer cushion for your kids in case they accidentally slip or fall during playtime.
Additionally, by maintaining longer grass blades, you help shade the soil. This will reduce the amount of evaporation in the ground, thus helping keep the grass stay hydrated longer.
Also, longer grass blades improve plant photosynthesis by helping it build a stronger root system.
Finally, by mowing less often, you reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, and other harmful emissions that your gas-powered mower releases into the air. This will improve the quality of air around your home that you and your kids are inhaling.
2. Use natural weed killers
Chemical herbicides are among the most dangerous substances around. Aside from keeping them under lock and key, make sure your kids never inhale, ingest, or touch them.
To ensure your children avoid these toxic gardening products, opt for natural weed killers. Pouring boiling water on weeds, for instance, can dry up tough ones in a few days.
Another eco-friendly, non-toxic herbicide you can try is vinegar. Pour or spray vinegar on dandelions and other weeds with long taproots. You can also add dishwashing soap to the vinegar to create a more potent natural herbicide.
However, if you want to use a particular herbicide to get rid of stubborn weeds, make sure you check the label. Find out if the questionable ingredients are toxic by researching online or asking your local poison center. Additionally, read and follow the manufacturer’s application directions.
Ensure your kids do not go outdoors during and immediately after applying the weed killer as well.
3. Apply a safe fertilizer
Although synthetic fertilizers contain substances that nourish the soil and plants, they can be harmful to children and pets. The chemicals can also run off into water supplies, which will, in turn, cause other health and environmental problems.
Because of this, it is best to use organic fertilizer. Compost and aged animal manure are the smartest options. You can also buy an organic brand from your local gardening center.
Composting is the easiest, most cost-efficient option. Leave your grass clippings on the ground after mowing. Mulched grass clippings also work great as organic fertilizers.
Although natural lawn fertilizers do not provide immediate results like chemical-based ones, they will improve the quality of your yard over time and reduce the need for future applications.
4. Keep kids away from the lawn when mowing and applying fertilizer and pesticide
When using the mower, make sure your kids, especially the younger ones, are inside your home. This is something that you have to do even if you are letting professional providers of lawn mowing services handle this task. Here are one Tree Service Businesses (https://www.homeservicedirect.net/tree-service-marketing/) which drive leads & grow revenue.
Moreover, even if a child is older than six, never let him or her ride along on your lap while using the mower or while the mower is being towed.
Also, make sure your children stay off the lawn after pesticide and fertilizer applications, particularly if you use store-bought products. Wait until the yard dries entirely before letting them out.
5. Opt for natural pest control methods
Lastly, keeping pests out of your lawn is crucial to enabling your kids stay safe, healthy, and happy while playing outdoors. Again, to ensure your children won’t get ill from the side effects of the pesticides you use, opt for natural pest control methods.
To keep mole crickets from your lawn and prevent mildew from growing on your plants, combine neem oil and water. Use a pump sprayer to spray the mixture on your flora. Here are lawn and tree maintenance experts in Long Beach that you can visit.
Grow plants that repel insects as well to keep your yard pest-free. Petunias repel aphids, squash bugs, and beetles. In case mosquitoes frequent your lawn, plant lavender and marigolds.
If you want to maintain a lovely, healthy lawn that is safe and conducive for your kids and pets without the fuss, don’t hesitate to get help from a trusted lawn care provider in your area.
For any types of queries, you can contact us on info[at]namasteui.com.