Traveling and partying often go hand in hand, and people who work as freelancers usually manage their own time and their income. That’s why so many freelancers choose to explore some more unusual destinations with a rich culture.
Working as a freelance writer, vlogger or in some other creative line of work can open doors to many possibilities regarding traveling. And oftentimes you get to write or vlog about your experiences in that particular country and its nightlife. You get to explore all the secrets of that wonderful city and of course, feel the real atmosphere when the night falls down.
But many young people often forget that constant traveling, partying a poor sleep schedule, poor eating habits, etc. can have a toll on your health. Even though you might not have any particular fitness goal in mind, keeping your body healthy is extremely important, especially while you are young.
But with just a few tips you can keep on traveling, partying and stay healthy!
Greatest Party Spots in Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe has among many young travelers gained a cult status. Maybe it’s because of the communist regime the majority of countries in Eastern Europe had or because of their particular style of music and culture and the way they are hospitable towards strangers. But one thing’s for sure, countries in Eastern Europe are perfect for people who love rustic towns filled with magnificent architecture; who like to drink cheap drinks and experience the party of their lives!
One of the hottest party spots today is definitely Bucharest, Romania! Not only will you get the chance to take some of the coolest Slavic aesthetic photos, but you will also get to experience some of the most beautiful nature and of course a wild nightlife. Bucharest is known for being a city with the best bachelor party selection. It gained the status of the best bachelor city for South-East Europe. One thing for sure, Bucharest will inspire you as a writer, vlogger, blogger, etc. because of its unique brutalist architecture, wonderful and warm people, superb cuisine, and of course – Dracula’s Castle that you simply must visit!
Another fantastic town know for its wild nightlife is in Belgrade, Serbia! You can easily take a plane from Bucharest to Belgrade and will be there in just a couple of hours! That’s what’s so great about Easter Europe you can be anywhere in a very short amount of time. Belgrade is known for having one of the craziest clubs perfect for people who like to start their party late at night. You will find all sorts of clubs from Serbian Folk music clubs to electronic underground clubs and jazz bars. You will definitely find something to your taste and will most definitely have an unforgettable night!
And let’s not forget the beautiful town Budapest, Hungary! You can get to Budapest from Belgrade by plane, train or bus depending on how much time you want to save and how much money you want to spend on your ticket. Budapest is one of the most historically rich cities in Eastern Europe and can definitely say that they have one of the best nightlife scenes! They also like to start partying around midnight and don’t stop until the sun comes up! Won’t that make a fantastic photo for your next blog?
Taking Care of Yourself
One of the best ways you can decrease your chances of temporarily getting sick or god forbid to have any major health issues in the future when traveling is to eat healthy food, sleep, walk and take care of yourself both physically and mentally!
We know that eating healthy while traveling can sometimes be a difficult task but it can be managed pretty easily. The most important thing when it comes to eating healthy meals while traveling is to plan every meal in advance! Well, you don’t need to get all obsessive about it, but you should aim to have an overall idea of meals you will prepare for yourself. This will also help you to avoid going straight to KFC or Mc Donald’s!
Also, make sure you absolutely take care of your body and especially your hands! Many freelance bloggers, writers, and people who generally type a lot can experience tendonitis which is an inflammation of the tendon. It can occur in any part of the body, but it usually affects hands which leads to pain that will in return prevent you from writing, video editing, etc. If it happens to you, you know what they say “Better be safe than sorry”, so consider investing time and money into reviewing what is the best hand brace for tendonitis and save yourself from possible injuries.
People often talk about taking care of your body as a general rule for healthy living, but often forget to mention some of the problems freelancers can experience one of them being inflammation of the tendon for example. Freelancers also often sit a lot so while you’re on your journey trough Eastern Europe try to walk as much as you can and stretch as soon as you get up! This will help you prevent sore muscles and will save you from back pain which occurs form all that sitting.
Enjoy The Moment

One of the best advice you can choose to follow when traveling, partying and in life generally is to enjoy every moment of it! Try to stay present and don’t let the outer noise disturb your inner peace and joy.
By being present and listening to what your body is telling you, you will much easily soak in the scenery of the new town, you will learn how to savor your food and will know when to take a break from working while traveling.
Being mindful of your body, surroundings, and your inner voice can lead you to have balance in everything you do, which is extremely important when leading an action-packed lifestyle.
Being young and wild and free can have its benefits of enormous and unmeasurable life experiences that can’t compare to anything else And of course, don’t forget to drink a lot of water! Jokes aside, but always keep in mind that having a positive mindset and a healthy body means that you can continue to explore the world, meet new people and lead a long and fulfilling life!

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