Competition Based Pricing: Why Is It Beneficial For Offline Stores?

When you are running a local business, it is always important to find more customers, that would bring you enough income. However, when you are only about to start your store, you would probably experience using a competition based pricing strategy, which might become your main helper in gaining enough loyal buyers.  Today, we are […]

Top 10 Educational Technology Trends In 2022

As we have entered the troubled pandemic times and remote learning, educational technology became even more in demand. Unfortunately, it has also revealed that online learning is not for everyone as many students simply could not cope with all these technical peculiarities that required even more focus and attention. Still, the majority of educators were […]

5 Ways Executive Recruiting is Different for Non-Profits

Executive recruiting is a process that non-profit organizations often use to find and hire new leaders. While the process may be similar to for-profit businesses, there are several key ways executive recruiting differs for non-profits. When it comes to executive recruiting, non-profits have unique challenges and considerations. Here are five key ways that executive recruiting […]

5 Ways AR Technologies Benefit Social Media Brands

Most large companies use social media for marketing purposes. It helps to convey information to the target audience more easily. In fact, as of 2022, there are nearly 4 billion social media users. It’s also easier for companies to get feedback from consumers. And product presentations become more visible and reach a wider audience. Ordinary […]