How to Combat the Warehouse Device Shortage Brought On by COVID

Every day, the world economy feels another ripple of the COVID-19 crisis. Supply chain disruptions continue to create headaches, and they appear in unpredictable ways that leave managers and workers scrambling. One consequential but less-discussed aspect of these disruptions is a shortage of warehouse devices like barcode scanners. Any warehouse professional can attest to just […]

Impact of Digital Transformation on Customer Experience

It appears that every corporation is undergoing a digital transformation these days. However, if you want to know what that means, you won’t get a definite answer because it applies to every company differently.  In simplified terms, the process refers to integrating computer technology into every segment of a business. This new practice fundamentally changes […]

How Customer Data Platforms Ensure Your Marketing Campaigns Convert into Holiday Cheer?

The holiday season is officially here, and this year it promises to be unlike anything we have experienced before. The 2019 holiday season sales benchmark was overshot by half a billion dollars in May 2020, or after the first three months the global pandemic had struck. If this trend persists, the close of this year […]

6 Reasons Why 3PL can Solve Your Ecommerce Fulfillment Problems

People interested in growing their business look to ecommerce to help them get a business started faster and cheaper. Since there’s a lower cost in starting an ecommerce business, people are under the wrong impression that it’s easy to be successful. However, there are several common ecommerce problems that people go through, leading to them […]