The role that content plays in marketing cannot be stressed enough. Content marketing is an effective way of acquiring new customers as well as retaining them. It is also a great way for companies to brand themselves. By using the right content strategy, your startup can quickly increase conversions and sales. That is why up to 70% of businesses were investing in content marketing strategies last year.
To run a successful project, it’s important to provide quality content, have a clear picture of your audience and what you wish the overall outcome to be. You can do this by using SEO strategy and covering topics that are relevant to your niche. Generally, the strategy should involve the creation and sharing of online materials, for example, videos, blogs, infographics or social media posts. Adding visual content plays a crucial part here simply because about 40% of your prospects prefer visual copy over plain text. Besides this, with visual content, you can boost your inbound and outbound sales. So how can you use visual content to acquire links and gain profit?
1. Images: The Most-Used Type that Increases Users Engagement
2. Infographics: It Is Worth a Thousand Words
3. Videos: Producing Dynamic Digital Content
4. Presentations: Persuasive Way to Improve Campaign Conversions
5. Screenshots: Explaining the Details
6. Memes & Animated GIFs: Using Humor to Evoke Positive Emotions
Tips on How to Use Visual Content to Succeed in SEO
#4. Protecting Your Visual Copy Online
Types of Visual Content
Before you learn how to use visual content, it helps to understand the main types. There are 6 main types of visuals that marketers use:
1. Images: The Most-Used Type that Increases Users Engagement
Long-read texts could be boring sometimes. Any long texts may discourage a user from reading your content. But adding images to split the text can improve the content and make it more enjoyable for readers. This is only true if the images are authentic and of high quality. It is always better to use original images. Creating original images can be very expensive and it takes time.
However, you can use different tools to quickly make a unique piece. You can create your own images using Canva, Procreate or get a free template online. You can also try AI-powered tools that will allow users to create AI illustrations in a few seconds. You can automatically paint your art, record, trim and edit images, resulting in high-quality, flawless output. By providing unique content, you can attract readers’ attention to your product or service.

2. Infographics: It Is Worth a Thousand Words
If you want to present complex subjects ― use infographics. They include statistics and any data that is represented in a more comprehensible manner. Around 40% of businesses are able to reach their goals through original and unique infographics. This shows just how important infographics are for a website’s content. You can quickly share valuable information on social media and landing pages so everyone benefits from providing content that draws visitors.
You can speak to your target audience visually when you provide useful and relevant presentations. The design and layout should be compelling and easy to understand. Adding the right color combinations, size and shapes will make it more compelling for readers. You can make powerful visual stories in the form of engaging presentations, showing charts and graphics.

The data should always be accurate. So make sure you carry out your research before designing any infographics. Creating infographics can be complex and time-consuming. You can use an infographic maker to create original and quality content. As we mentioned above, when you create quality infographics more people will share it with others which means more brand awareness.
3. Videos: Producing Dynamic Digital Content
If you want to explain a problem in detail for your customers and provide a solution then using videos is a great option. Videos may be more expensive compared to the other types of visual content. However, they can boost your conversion rates.
On average, adults in the USA spend 23 minutes watching video content daily. So you can expect a higher customer engagement if you add video content. The types of videos you show to the audience can influence your success. Therefore, focus on the type of presentation:
- Tutorials
- Animated videos
- How-to videos
- Demonstrations
- Guide
- News sharing
But don’t forget that for creating high-quality videos, you will need to use a specific software. There are many services available on the web. Just make sure that your free video editing software meets your needs.
4. Presentations: Persuasive Way to Improve Campaign Conversions
Thanks to Google and other tools, everyone can have access to presentations. Presentations for the most part provide data in a simple and concise manner. They also include a lot of images that help people to easily understand complex topics. Famous companies, artists, writers, business owners use presentations at meet-ups, events and conferences like TED. What takes days to understand can only take minutes or hours through presentations.
Presentations need to have a good design. The design, layout, colors and font size will affect how readers receive this content. No one wants to go through lengthy content. So when creating a presentation, try to keep it as short but informative as possible. For longer presentations, remain consistent with your colors and fonts. Adding contrasting backgrounds or text colors can discourage users. Then always make sure to use reliable sources. Using reputable sites shows that your content is trustworthy.

5. Screenshots: Explaining the Details
Whenever you want to show how something works or looks, you can include screenshots. It gives users a better idea of how a service works. For example, if you want to explain how a product works in your blog post or social media post, you can show screenshots of each step you took. This goes to explain just how important any type of visual content could be for your business, social media lead generation or marketing strategy. That’s how your digital marketers can find creative solutions to drive brand awareness and lead generation.
Screenshots are also effective when you want to show customer reviews. This direct perspective shows users that you are a credible company. You can always back your claims by adding screenshots with a matching caption. Screenshots can also add value to other visual content as infographics or presentations.
6. Memes & Animated GIFs: Using Humor to Evoke Positive Emotions
Memes and animations are a way to present content in a humorous way. It was until recently that marketers realized just how memes can influence users. This form of content helps you create positive emotions in customers. This not only means a more personal relationship with customers but sets you apart from the competition.
Before using memes, ask yourself if it fits into your niche. For brands that are more focused on gen Z and millennials, this method can work well. The memes should be audience and industry-related if you want to increase user engagement.

Tips on How to Use Visual Content to Succeed in SEO
Visual content formats certainly can attract more customers. It is a powerful linkable asset that contains highly citable data. It is actually a favourite format for SEO experts to present data and get traffic. Also if you’re looking for seo jobs, you should definitely follow these steps down below. Here are three things you need to include whenever you post visual content on your website:
#1. Adding Alt Text
When a user is unable to see an image, Alt text usually appears in place of it. All visuals should include this copy. Alt text should contain a short description of the image and relevant keywords.
Search engine bots will associate your images with relevant keywords. This gives you a higher SEO ranking. Visual content with proper parameters is the best format for link building.
#2. Including Captions
Did you know that captions gain a lot more attention than just written text? That is why you should include them for visual content. The caption is the text that appears below the image.
The caption and image should always match. It should be a short description of the picture. Otherwise, users will be confused about the message you are trying to convey. By adding the right caption it will be easier for search engines to process images.

#3. Optimizing File Names
When it comes to naming files, you have to apply the same SEO principles as for written text. Adding adequate keywords is vital. The file name should be relevant to the image that you use. They should be short and include a description.
#4. Protecting Your Visual Copy Online
Your visual content could be posted at other websites and shared on platforms without a backlinking to your source. You can use Google ReverseImage Search to find your photos in the posts.
Some companies often copy and paste stories from other people. If you find your visual story on other posts thanks to the Google images search tool, you can ask or we should even say you have to insist to backlink them to your website.

Final Thoughts
Visual content is more appealing to customers. Many people would rather go through visuals than spend hours trying to read text. Apart from increasing user engagement, you can also get more shares through social media when using visual content. The main types of visual content are images, videos and infographics as they play a huge part in link building and in increasing sales.
The best way to optimize images is by adding proper captions. This allows search engines and readers to understand what the image is about. Adding Alt text will increase your SEO ranking as long as you add relevant keywords. Make sure to keep descriptions short and relevant to the images. File names and images should always be the same if you want to earn more links. Your business can start using visuals to generate more leads, you just need to create a proper strategy.

Namaste UI collaborates closely with clients to develop tailored guest posting strategies that align with their unique goals and target audiences. Their commitment to delivering high-quality, niche-specific content ensures that each guest post not only meets but exceeds the expectations of both clients and the hosting platforms. Connect with us on social media for the latest updates on guest posting trends, outreach strategies, and digital marketing tips. For any types of guest posting services, contact us on info[at]