Nerve pain is usually a symptom of various conditions, for example cancer. Cancer can lead to much discomfort and significantly influence health-seeking behaviors in many. Pains are the primary complaints in most healthcare facilities, and nerve pain is a higher grade pain requiring prompt care. Conventional medicines are available for treating nerve pain. However, due to numerous associated side effects and reduced efficacy levels research for healthier and cost-effective treatment is necessary.
Supplements have found an integral role in the management of the stubborn nerve pain. This article about neuropathy supplements on documents some of the healthy ways to overcoming nerve pain which include:
1. Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B especially B-1, B-6, and B-12 are useful in nerve functions, and deficiency can sometimes lead to neuropathy. Supplementation of vitamin B will restore nerve functions without compromising the health status. It is reported that supplementation with vitamin B will actively help in repairing damaged nerves as it is useful in nerve regeneration and improving nerve functions, thus alleviate nerve pains. Intake of vitamin B may be the only required treatment in some cases; however, caution is necessary not to overdose since it may precipitate nerve damage. Consult your physician on dosage before using this remedy.
2. Alpha lipoic acid
A renowned antioxidant; useful in treating neuropathy with minimal or no side effects. As an antioxidant, it can damage free radicals which often destroy cells including nerve cells and causing agony. Furthermore, alpha lipoic acid alleviate itching, burning, tingling and numbness in limbs that are usually associated with diabetic neuropathy hence providing great relief.
3. Acetyl-L-carnitine
Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid with antioxidant properties. This preparation is available as a supplement and is vital in creating healthy nerve cells and reducing nerve pain in neuropathy patients. Food sources of this amino acid include; fish, meat, poultry products, and milk. When taking supplements, a dose of 500mg per day is recommended. Studies have shown that Acetyl-L-carnitine is effective in limiting pains associated with peripheral neuropathy, cancers, and physical traumas.
4. Use of natural herbs
Complementary medicine is crucial in managing nerve pains; some naturally extracted compounds are now showing powerful effects in modifying or eliminating neuropathies. Curcumin, a natural cooking herb has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties thus fully qualify as an essential ingredient in managing nerve pain. Other natural herbs used in treating nerve pain are oat straw extracts and Feverfew extracts.
5. Nerve Renew
An all-natural supplement consisting of critical vitamins and minerals. The concentrated levels of vitamin B go directly to areas of need and are generally safe and effective in treating the different types of nerve pains. It has been in use for over a decade now, and no cases of adverse drug reactions have been reported. Nerve Renew can be used for up to 4 months for maximal effect.
6. Physical exercise
Adequately scheduled and guided activity is crucial in attaining optimal body function and health status. For diabetes patients, regular physical exercise coupled with dietary adjustments will help prevent neuropathy. During nerve pain, exercise at particular sites will provide significant relief.
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