Effective Social Media Marketing Ideas to Attract a New Target Audience

Social Media Marketing Ideas

Social media marketing strategies are just like a toothbrush. Sure, they may seem to work just fine no matter how long you’ve had them for, but you’ll still need to change them now and then. In today’s world, there are billions of users across various social media platforms. Facebook alone has over 2.5 billion active monthly users. This means that you have a ready audience on social media waiting for you to attract and reach out to them. Twitter, different, bloggers, dating with the ukrainian brides and other foreign women, even the high technologies website need constant social promotion, all the time.

Whether you’re a small business or an influencer, it’s crucial to find the right marketing strategy that will pull in those numbers you so desperately want. Sometimes, you might have the perfect social media presence, but you’ll end up marketing to the wrong people and have zero conversions as a result of improper planning.

Fortunately, we have some tips that will help you attract the right audience to your business. Whether you already have an audience or you’re new to the world of social media marketing, you’ll find the following ideas helpful:

Social media contests

If you’re struggling with social media visibility, contests are a great way to draw people to your page or profile. Wondering why? It’s simple. Everyone loves the occasional freebie and would do anything to win a free product, especially if you are ready to implement the new and most popular fashion trends even if it means liking and following a page they’ve never even heard of before.

As such, if you’re trying to draw a new audience, you can start by hosting a simple social media contest. For instance, you could ask participants to answer a question or leave a comment and randomly choose your winners. Alternatively, you could also ask participants to upload a specific photo and choose the one with the highest number of likes.

However, even though this strategy is guaranteed to drive social media users to your page, it has one slight drawback. Out of the hundreds (or even thousands) of new followers, you’ll gain, only a few would be genuine leads. The rest would probably be “contest hawks” who’ll never engage any of your posts unless it’s a new contest.

Include visuals in every post

Where textual content fails, visuals always swoop in to save the day. Visuals have been proven to produce astonishing results on each social media post. As such, always attach a colorful image or graphic design to each social media post you churn out.

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s see what statistics have to say about this claim. According to a study by Hubspot, content with relevant images tends to increase views by up to 94%. This study also revealed that visual content is 40% more likely to be shared than other types of content on social media.

But what happens if you can’t find the right types of images for your content? Well, you can easily download relevant stock-free pictures off the internet. Alternatively, if you love the idea of free-hand graphic design, you can easily use tools like Canva to create some mind-blowing designs.

Videos over photos

Pictures tell a thousand words, but videos tell more. Videos are the most engaging types of content on every social media platform. Want to get more hahas? Post a funny video rather than a meme. Want to push out more educational content? Try a one-minute tutorial instead of a long post.

If you’re trying to attract a new audience to your socials, you can start by uploading more videos. Over time, your videos will begin to pop up on people’s watchlists or ‘for you’ pages.

However, it’s advisable to post your video directly to Facebook or Instagram instead of posting an external branded link. This is because only very few social media users have the patience to visit external links or pages.



Almost every social media marketer preaches about the effectiveness of hashtagging when trying to reach a new audience. However, using hashtags to increase visibility and reach can be tricky especially for newbies. To get the most out of hashtagging, you can start by using one popular hashtag per post. Search the trend tables to find the most popular tags and include them in your post.

This way, people searching for that particular hashtag would come across your post and fall right into your marketing net.

Educational content

Who makes up your audience? Whether your audience is made up of high school girls or octogenarians, they are definitely in need of authentic educational content that addresses their pain points.

Create educational content and post them regularly on your social media platform. If you have content on your website that may attract your audience, you could use a URL shortener to create a custom link or branded URL and then share it on your social media platforms.

With this strategy, you can establish yourself as a credible authority in your niche and have droves of people trooping to your socials to get more knowledge.

Final Thoughts

Social media marketing can help you attract tons of new customers and viewers for any type of website. However, you need to utilize the right strategies and marketing tips. Start by creating engaging content and directing viewers to any educational content you’ve created using a short URL or short link. In no time at all, you’ll have attracted a brand new audience.

We hope these tips help to draw in the conversions you need. Good luck!

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