Some people with creative hobbies enjoy producing their artwork for the joy of making it. Many artists, including handmade jewelry-makers, fall into this category. They create accessories for personal use and often make special items as gifts for friends and family. After doing this and having fun, some artists decide to take their work to a different level and begin to sell it online. You might find yourself in this stage of your art-making process. When you start the journey of selling handmade jewelry online, you will discover that many successful jewelry artists before you followed three tips that helped them launch their online jewelry stores.
1. Begin With Yourself
Although you may want to jump to the nuts and bolts of selling and finding a pos system for jewelry store entrepreneurs, prudence dictates taking a step back for a moment and beginning by looking at yourself as the jewelry artist. All artwork begins with the artist, so it makes sense to list your preferences in your artwork. For example, can you specifically list a few or several different types of jewelry that you like to make? Do you have a particular material, such as resin or metal, with which you want to create your jewelry, or perhaps a specific color palette that appeals to your artistic sensibilities? Also, think back and list the jewelry you have sold thus far. Can you determine which accessories are your customer favorites if you have sold some? Getting specific about these questions can help guide the direction of your new jewelry store and the types of products you want to make.
2. Do Research
You will also begin to think about and list the practical aspects of opening an online jewelry store. For instance, do you have the capacity to produce jewelry for sale, store the stock you create and have room for the mailing and packaging supplies so you have products available for others to purchase online? In addition, do you need start-up capital for the increased supplies, a studio space for work and money to pay for online costs? You will also want to determine if you need a business license and any other state or local fees that may apply to your online store. You may also want to speak with a financial advisor to learn more about business taxes that might apply to your new web-based venture.
Many find it helpful to begin selling to the public by doing local small craft fairs and bazaars. Participation in such events lets you notice what sells, which might inform you as you move forward.
3. Create a Business Website
Before you begin, look at others who sell handmade jewelry online. In addition, look at jewelry websites. They give you impressions to which you should pay attention. For example, what appeals to you about a jewelry website? Is it easy to navigate? Do they offer SSL encryption security so that important customer information shared online is secure? How are the pages set up and photos displayed?
After the research, you can put together a jewelry business website. You could create it yourself or hire a web designer. If you hire a designer, make sure you learn from your web designer how to adjust the site on your own or be prepared to continue to pay for services as needed as your online sales grow and your business expands. In addition, you will also need to take photos of your stock for sale or get pictures taken by a professional photographer of the items you want to display online. Furthermore, you will want to create a list of interested people who wish to stay in touch with you about your jewelry store. To assist in this regard, you can offer a newsletter or some free helpful information, for example, to aid in gathering interested visitors’ emails for your email list.
Starting any new business, including an online handmade jewelry store, will require perseverance and determination. However, if you take the leap and move in the direction you wish to go, you will learn as you proceed, and your online jewelry business will grow and take shape in beautiful ways that you might not conceive of at the moment.

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