Due to continuous advancements in technology, people are now enjoying a variety of energy sources. Powering up electrical devices are a breeze, especially with portable energy sources like batteries.
In terms of practicality and longevity, a 6V battery is highly recommended by many manufacturers and suppliers. In this article, we’ll share information on 6V batteries so that you can get familiar with how they work and why they’re a better option.
A 6-Volt battery, commonly known as a “lantern battery,” is a rechargeable, lead-acid type cell made of a collection of four larger cells, mostly D batteries with a 1.5V per cell. This composition offers a wide space for energy storage and thick plates ideal for longer energy consumption.
Most 6-Volt batteries are deep-cycled, which means they’re designed to produce steady energy output over time, discharging the battery completely. This maximizes the battery’s capacity to store and discharge energy, making it suitable for a low-cost budget.
Common Uses
6-Volt batteries are a great energy source option for large projects where long hours of electricity supply and a higher amount of power is needed. They’re typically used as a dependable backup energy source that’s durable and low maintenance.
Here are five common uses of this battery type:
1. Lighting Systems
Industrial Works
Light sources like flashlights and lanterns used during construction employ 6-Volt batteries as energy sources because of their much longer life cycle than other cell types. Also, they can supply more power during long periods.
Because lighting plays an important role through construction and roadworks, using the type that can last extensively makes 6V-battery the superior choice.
Camping and Hiking
As a well-known rechargeable lantern battery, 6-Volt cells are used for flashlights, torch lights, or any other illumination devices that require higher energy capacity. Since it’s a rechargeable battery comprised of multiple arrays of cells inside, it has a large capacity for energy storage.
Compared to regular torch batteries with a limited amount of energy, a 6-Volt battery doesn’t deplete fast and has longer battery life.
2. Electric-Powered Vehicles
6-Volt batteries can sustain long-lasting energy to rechargeable vehicles like electric wheelchairs, golf carts, scooters, etc. Although using 6-volt cells will mean having multiple batteries than just using one 12V battery, each cell has a wide internal surface for a larger amp capacity.
A higher amp capacity makes the energy source (battery) have a lower discharge rate and heat dissipation, allowing an ample electricity supply. Through manufacturing innovations, the need to use multiple low-voltage batteries provides a more manageable device while saving on cost. Moreover, you can avoid cell failure and enjoy fewer replacements which higher voltage batteries are vulnerable to.
3. Recreational Vehicles or Trailer Homes
Most RV users and homeowners find it hard to get adequate energy outlets during long travels to remote rural areas. Mainly, they rely on a 12-Volt energy source to get their automobile running together with all the devices and appliances housed in it. Although this energy source is budget-friendly, its limited energy storage and shorter amp-hours may not be sustainable enough for camping.
Shifting from one 12-Volt battery to two 6-Volt rechargeable batteries can give the same amount of power. However, 6V provides more extended amp-hours and battery capacity to supply energy, reducing the hassle of hooking it up to recharge. Perhaps, the only downside of using lead-acid type batteries is their need for ample space because it’s required to work in pairs that are connected in series.
4. Backup Power Supply
Using a 6V lead-acid type battery as a reliable power bank to store energy gives you an uninterrupted supply for household alarms and small computer systems. Its extensive internal surface offers a lot of energy capacity, which can hold more potential energy for later use in a long time.
As mentioned, the construction style of a 6V battery is deep-cycled, allowing it to drain and frequently recharge without negatively affecting the battery life, making it an ideal power supply backup.
6V vs. 12V Batteries
Batteries contain chemical reaction which produces electrical energy calculated in volts. A sealed lead-acid (SLA) battery like 6V is made up of cells, and each cell produces two volts. A 6V battery has three cells, while a 12V battery has six.
Here’s a quick comparison between 12V and 6V.
You can wire two 6Vs to equal a 12V battery. Wiring batteries in series allow you to charge it to the capacity of the weakest battery. Batteries wired in parallel equalize the charge, higher charges flow to lesser charges until equalized. SLAs usually take up to 6-18 hours to charge.
Compared to 12V, the heavier plate structures inside every cell of a 6V battery contribute to longevity in deep charge and discharge cycles. The batteries used in deep-cycle have an average of four to eight years lifespan.
What a sealed lead acid battery can power and how long it lasts depends on the voltage and amp-hours. The measurement of an electrical strength is called a voltage, while amp-hour (Ah) measures stored usable energy. Compared to 12V, a 6V battery has a lower Ah capacity.
A 6V battery weighs much less than 12V, making it easier for one person to handle. This is often an important consideration when comparing and shopping for a six-volt vs.12-volt battery.
A Better Energy Source Is Within Your Reach
Modern battery technology established 6-Volt cells that are sealed, non-spill, lightweight, with even better materials that make the battery affordable and quick to recharge. Now that you know where to use your 6V battery, we hope you never run out of power in your devices and day to day operations.

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