It is a confirmed fact that visual content is a lot more powerful than simple text information. Simply using images without a layout or arrangement is absolutely not enough. You should know how visual content can be used to get traffic. It is important to have awareness of what gets public attention. If presenting a landing page in a particular manner is a successful option for getting user attention, you should present visual content according to that requirement. Using standard ways to present visual content obviously does not work that well. As an online brand, you have to stand out. Here are some key examples of how you need to work around things. These tips actually work well and help in the productive presentation of visual content.
1. Creating unique tweets with custom visual content
Being different is surely the key. A lot of tweets do not even get noticed because they have nothing new to offer to the users. Even if visual content is a part of the tweet, the presentation has nothing new to offer. Thus, people do not pay a lot of attention to such tweets. Twitter is surely a powerful option to get customer attention but it all depends on how effectively it is used. You can add emojis or even product images to give an exclusive appearance to your tweet. The goal is to get noticed by people particularly the ones who are being targeted for generating sales.
2. Make promotional videos with the correct appealing content
A video would obviously get more attention and traffic than simple text but it also depends on how the video has been made. Does it have appealing content? Is it overly promotional? These are two of the many questions which should be in your mind.
- People tend to skip product videos mostly as they are usually too promotional. If a video starts with claims that the product is the best option available, people are likely to skip it because such promises are made by every brand. If you want people to view your content, be realistic for a start. Instead of making big claims or offering the best price reduction options, you should aim at how your product can solve public issues. Why should your product be preferred over what other brands have launched in the market? People would obviously not buy your product only because of claims. It depends on how well the marketing has been done. For instance, consider that you have a brand for laptops. In your promotional video, highlight the benefits that can be attained by using quality laptops. People do not need to depend on power outlets to get their tasks completed. You can switch to a promotional tone after public benefits have been highlighted.
3. Use social media platforms to full capacity
For the purpose of digital marketing, social media is a quick alternative. However, a lot of brands simply restrict the marketing practices to Facebook. This obviously is not intelligent planning and strategy development. It is better to use all social media platforms so that you can attain maximum exposure for your product.
- People have different social media preferences. Someone looking for only images may select Instagram and not Facebook. If your brand is not active on Instagram, it is obvious that you would lose customers. Social media helps in getting optimum results if you are using all the platforms in an effective manner. Do not restrict your marketing practices to Facebook only. It is always good to go the extra mile. Various other platforms which can be used are Instagram, You Tube, Twitter and Tumblr.
- Social media platforms are very important because people rate them highly. Today, people take the most important decisions of their lives including selecting products that they plan to use. If sufficient information about the product is not available on the internet, users are less likely to purchase it. Particularly when it comes to visual content, you need to update social media platforms with recent videos, images, animations and other options. Once users see that updated visual content of your products is available at all times on key social media platforms, generating revenue and getting conversions would prove to be easy tasks.
4. Adding images and info graphics to blogs
The writing processes of a blog as well as expectations of customers have changed drastically over the period of time. Today, blogs that have images, videos and attractive visual content get instant attention. Readability is important and the easiest way to check the readability percentage is use of online readability checker tool. However, without visual content, blogs do not make a strong appeal.
- Do you know the best places where visual content should be added? If not that it would be hard for you to get brand success. Adding images to a blog is a fantastic option but they should gel with the written text. The reader would get confused if the text has no connection with the added image. If your blog emphasizes on usage of therapies to deal with skin issues, add images which go with the text. If you are talking about skin allergies, do not add pictures related to heart transplant or any other medical issues. You cannot deviate away from the specific area being covered.
- According to various surveys, adding images and visual content helps in improving readability. Most customers prefer a blog to be colourful and vibrant. This task is achieved when images are added. Thus, to get the attention of users, adding images to a blog would obviously prove to be helpful.
5. Real images get user attention
With technology advancing at such a quick pace, determining whether an image is edited or 100% original is not a very hard task. Always go for reverse image search before uploading it on your website. You can check plagiarized images using reverse photo lookup or online search by image.It’s important because adding edited images obviously does not create a positive impression. Websites that have original product images get traffic instantly because they are more credible.
- In a nutshell, post pictures of the actual products. Do not edit or enhance them in any way to attract customers as this hampers the brand image.
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