How Do You Find The Right Accounting Team?

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Looking for the right team with the perfect combination of technical skills, experience, and competency is what makes hiring an accounting team a challenge. So, if ever you need a new role in your company or have to replace one, here are a few tips you can use in hiring the right accounting team.

Don’t Rush The Hiring

Losing even a single member on your accounting team because of resignation, termination, or leave of absence is a big deal. Bills need to be paid, payroll must not stop, and invoices are continuous. So it’s no surprise for companies to panic if someone leaves. 

But rushing your hiring process will just bring a new set of problems to you. Why? Because hiring the wrong person can leave consequences that’ll linger long after they are gone.

Embrace a Temporary Placement

It’s hard to find the right fit for your company. And many others suffer from the same predicament. So if you need to fill a position ASAP, consider hiring temporary employees first to fill the void in your hiring process. 

The key is to find a specialized outsourcing group that can provide the right individual who knows multiple accounting systems. Even if you don’t own a company, accounting outsourcing for small businesses can still be beneficial because it can provide you the luxury of time to find the right one for your job vacancy.

Break Away from the Traditional Hiring

Most companies look for the right accounting by actively seeking people looking for a job. There’s nothing with this, but it’s not the only way to look for the right people for your company. For example, you can send invites to passive candidates as well.

You can look at job portals and conduct a targeted search for the skills you want. Gather all of them in a list. And when the time comes, you can send emails or notify them that you have a vacancy in your company. 

Plan For The Future

Structuring an accounting team can be tricky. So you must understand what your business will need to have an idea of who you want on board. If this seems hard to you, you can consult a staffing specialist and let them know what you plan for the future so they can identify what type of roles you need to fulfill. You’ll need to have a strategy for who you hire and look beyond what you need and into the future.

Other Things to Consider

Here are a few more things that can help you find the right accounting candidate.

Adopt a formal hiring process: The lack of such can attract bad candidates, which can creep into your list of potential individuals you would like to fill the job vacancy. So structure your hiring process and include instructions and steps to follow to relieve some stress associated with the process.

Vet candidates early: You can do this process by phone or video interview. This is a good way for you to separate those with good-looking resumes but lack the skills in real-life situations. Reserve formal interviews for those who you know can be potential employees.

Use references effectively: Employers tend to skip this step because they don’t know what to ask. But, it’s essential to get some information from references to answer some questions you can’t find out during interviews.


It is essential to have the right accounting team for your business because they are one of the pillars that hold it together. And without them, business processes can slow down and halt. So use the tips to ensure that you have the right accounting team on your side.

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