The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is easy to find. All you need to do is contact your preferred trading partner from the list of LEI issuing organizations listed in the table below.
If you also looling for LEI code then click here.
Role of LEI issuing organizations
The LEI Issuer – also known as the Local Operations Unit (LOU) – provides registration, renewal and other services and serves as a key interface for legal entities seeking LEI. Only organizations accredited by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) are authorized to issue LEI codes. Accreditation is the process by which GLEIF assesses the suitability of an organization wishing to operate within the global LEI system as an LEI issuer.
Being a member of the global LEI system through GLEIF accreditation is a sign of a globally recognized commitment to data quality and customer service. GLEIF aims to optimize the quality, reliability and usability of LEI data by enabling market participants to take advantage of the wealth of information available in the LEI population. GLEIF provides the following monthly data quality reports:
- Global LEI Data Quality Report: This report shows the overall level of data quality achieved in the global LEI system.
- LEI Issuer Data Quality Report: This report analyzes the level of data quality achieved by each LEI issuer organization.
The role of the legal entity applying for LEI
Legal entities are not prohibited from using LEI publishers in their country; instead they may use an accredited LOU registration service to confirm the LEI registration in the competent jurisdiction. The table below shows all GLEIF approved LEI publishers offering LEI services by jurisdiction. The GLEIF accreditation program for related jurisdictions for non-fund entities and non-funds has been completed by the accredited LEI issuer. To find out which LEI publishers provide services in a particular country for unfunded entities, select that country from the drop-down list at the top of the table below. To find out which LEI issuers provide services to funding members in a particular country, select the country in question from the drop-down list and be sure to check the “I want to register a fund” box.
LEI is linked to key benchmarks that enable the legal entities involved in the clear and unique identification of financial transactions. By self-registration, legal entities wishing to obtain LEI must provide LEI issuers with accurate reference data, i.e. public information on legal entities that can be identified with LEI. Reference details include:
- Business & information, e.g. the legal name of the legal entity and its registered office. In the international LEI system, this information is called “Level 1” data. It provides answers to the “who’s” question.
- Relationship information, which can identify the immediate and last parent of the legal entity, if applicable. This information is called “Level 2” data. This answers the question “who owns it”.
LEI issuing companies must review reference documents from local registrars – such as national corporate registry entities – and issue LEIs that conform to the LEI standard.
Fees charged for the publication and maintenance of the LEI are the sole responsibility of the LEI issuer and must be subject to price. The international LEI system is designed to encourage competition among LEI issuers.
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