Earn Passive Income By Writing About Your Passion

Earn Passive Income

If you’re looking for ways to make money from your passion, have you considered writing? Even if writing isn’t something that’s top on your list, it’s a lot easier to write when you’re discussing your interests!

As a matter of fact, there’s a goldmine of passive income for college students waiting if you decide to tap into this market. You just need to determine what you’d like to write about. Ideally, it should be something you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.

Being passionate about being a nurse, for example, may mean you want to create a blog. On your blog, you could encourage other nurses to care for their patients in new ways. And you can keep professionals informed of the latest medical trends.

If you’re curious how to make passive income through writing, here are three ways. It’s exciting knowing you can make easy money writing about something that’ll never bore you!

1. Blog About What You Love

A fantastic way to make money online is by starting a blog. Remember, your goal is to write about your passions, so create a blog about things you love.

If you enjoy cooking and are knowledgeable of different tips and recipes, create a cooking blog! And if you’re an adventurous spirit who thrives on checking out the local sites, blog about that.

The key to making money through blogging is by being consistent. Create a blog calendar and plan out which topics you’d like to cover on what days. Having a calendar will help you stay accountable and follow through.

Making passive income through a blog may take time. It’s essential to gain a steady audience who reads your posts. The more people who view and read your blog, the better likelihood you’ll get paid more!

Speaking of money, here are three ways a blogger can generate income:

  1. Ads – Getting paid via Pay Per Click and Paid Per Impression ads that visitors click on or view on your blog.
  2. Affiliate Marketing – Getting paid a commission from a company if a blog visitor clicks on a product link and buys it.
  3. Sponsored Posts – Getting paid to write a blog post and promote a product(s) by a company.

If you’re eager to start making money from an affiliate program, for example, start looking for programs. It’s okay that you’re new to this. You’ve got to start somewhere!

2. Write an Ebook Focused on Your Passion

Another way to earn money only by writing about something you love is by writing an ebook.

Writing an ebook takes a lot of time and dedication. It’s up to you to compile notes on the subject and write several chapters about it.

Before venturing to write an ebook, make sure you know the subject in and out. Loving it is one thing, but it’s vital to understand it completely as well. If there’s much more to learn, you may get writer’s block or run out of things to say.

Say your main interest is skiing. If it’s something you’re skilled at and have been practicing for many years, then yes, it’d be an appropriate ebook subject. But, if you’re relatively new at skiing, it may be best to hold off even though it’s your favorite hobby.

Not only should you write an ebook about something that you’re crazy about, but know a lot about as well.

Ebooks are ideal for passive income because you don’t have to worry about shipping out a book via the mail. You can sell them on your blog or a site such as Amazon. Every time you make a sale, that’s extra cash in your pocket.

If it generates many sales, you’ll continue to make a steady profit off your ebook! When that happens, you may want to consider writing a sequel!

3. Create a Subscription Service

Do you have exclusive juicy content that you haven’t delved into on your blog? Even if you don’t have a blog, you could create a membership program online if you have a following on social media. If that’s something that interests you, consider putting together a paid membership program.

A paid membership program would offer exclusive content. In other words, it’d be something your readers don’t already have access to on your site. Even though it’d take time to develop, it could be an exciting venture for you!

If you already have a blog, add the paid program to your site, so they’re both in the same spot. It’ll be easier for your readers to find the membership program that way.

Say you’re a fitness guru. A few examples of what you could include in the program would be:

  • Exclusive tips
  • Menu plan
  • Motivational printables
  • Written tutorials, such as an “advanced guide to weight lifting.”

Offer a subscription, and you’ll love being able to share your interest and motivate others.


It’s exciting to know that you have the option to share your knowledge with others. And since it’s about a subject that makes you happy, it shouldn’t be hard work!

That’s what passive income is all about. By writing about what things make you feel alive, you’re able to inspire others with your zest for life.

If you’ve been on the fence about writing, don’t be. You’ll never know if you can pull something off unless you start. Teaching others about your passion is bound to make your life more fulfilling. Earning money will be the icing on the cake!

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