Best Mobile Applications for Writers to Prevent Procrastination

Best Mobile Applications for Writers

Looking for an excuse to postpone writing until “better times?” Hate doing complicated things? Maybe, you just procrastinate. It is a real scourge for writers, copywriters, translators, bloggers and many other people working with texts. Time wasting is of one the most hurting things for freelancers, coders, secretaries and ever engineers! But how to cope with it? Is it possible to stay efficient all day long?

Psychologists recommend special techniques designed to help those working with the text to cope with procrastination, while programmers develop mind-focusing mobile apps. The war is not over, but you definitely can save your time!

If you’re willing to once and for put an end to procrastination and boost your writing efficiency, below apps are just for you!

#1 Yelling Mom

Although this app supports iOS only and costs $ 1.99, it is not devoid of common sense. According to the developers, the best way to force somebody to work is to give him/her a kickass. The only thing required from users is to make a list of all jobs and specify deadlines for each of the tasks they must perform. All the items on the list can be sorted into several categories – “personal,” “working,” “today,” “tomorrow,” “urgent,” etc.

In case you break the deadline, you’ll get a notification in the form of unpleasant audio signal (it may be whatever – the loud sound of a police car, squeal of a scandalous woman, etc.).

The app is very fast, functional, and minimalistic. In fact, it’s an organizer combined with an alarm clock.

#2 Finish

This free application was created by Ryan Orbach and Michael Hansen when they were both 16 years old. The idea came up to their minds when they were both preparing for an exam (they needed some tool to prioritize tasks and decide which of them start solving in the first instance).

The user only has to make a list of all the tasks, and then the app will automatically decide which of them has priority, classifying these jobs according to the degree of urgency in three groups. Every time the app decides that it’s right time to start solving the next task, it sends the users a push notification.


#3 Procraster

This application was developed by the adherents of the popular idea that a person is able to focus on one particular task for a maximum of half an hour. That is why the app divides your working day into segments, each of 25 minutes in length. During this time, you will have to concentrate all your efforts on a particular task. Once you work out a few of such time intervals, the app will allow you to relax, periodically reminding how many free minutes left.  The app is available for $ 1.99.

#4 (10+2)*5 Procrastination Hack

This is another smart timer for iOS running gadgets, available for $ 1.99. The application is based on another popular method of work distribution invented by Merlin Mann. The essence of technology is splitting every working hour into 12-minute segments, including 2 minutes allocated for rest. Audio signal notifies the need to start working. If the user is unable to withstand the rhythm, the cycle can be restarted.

#5 AppDetox

This is an Android-based application created for people who are not able to concentrate on work because of an excess of temptations. The application blocks the user access to the other installed apps. The user can choose the most convenient mode: ban access to games on Facebook at a particular time, or simply limit the number of application launches per day. The app is free.


I hope this simple but effective software will save at least a few minutes of your time a day. Of course, nothing can hold you if you hate what you’re doing. So love your work and stay away from temptations!

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