Top 5 jQuery HTML5 Audio Players
Top 5 jQuery HTML5 Audio Players based on free and open source (MIT) media library which is written in JavaScript library. All these jQuery HTML5 Audio Players plugin allows you to rapidly weave cross platform […]
Top 5 jQuery HTML5 Audio Players based on free and open source (MIT) media library which is written in JavaScript library. All these jQuery HTML5 Audio Players plugin allows you to rapidly weave cross platform […]
Move the HTML content (including all children) of one element into another element with the help of jQuery. So, let’s see how to move an element into another element. Suppose, you want to move one […]
Here is little example of getting element attributes values with the help of jQuery and store them in an object. The element’s attributes property is incredibly handy when we want to see what attributes are […]
Handlebars js is a popular templating engine which is simple to use, powerful and has a large community based on the Mustache template language. Using this, you can write cleaner code and separate the generation […]
The Date object is a datatype that is used to work with dates and times which is built into the JavaScript language. Date objects are created with the new Date() that represents a single moment […]
The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in a single variable. The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in […]
There are free jQuery Scroll to Top plugin which is a small piece of code that lets you add a scroll to top button at the bottom right of your web page. This will enable […]
To detect browser in JavaScript, window.navigator object contains information about the user’s browser i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc. JavaScript has a standard object called navigator which contains data about user’s browser. It has a […]
JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming i.e. OOP language. It provides four basic capabilities i.e. Encapsulation, Aggregation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. For example as a car. It has properties like weight and color and and methods […]
In this tutorial, you can get knowledge of JavaScript Browsers Handling or Compatibility and how to handle JavaScript in different browsers. Before applying JavaScript, we need to know the differences between different browsers and how […]