SYPWAI project: a story of success
Many young scientists and new companies believe that the field of the neural networks is fully studied and it is impossible to invent anything new. However, Theneurosphere was able to prove the opposite and amazed the world with its innovative development presented in the SYPWAI project.
While working with artificial intelligence, you can find a huge space where new ideas will be useful. Theneurosphere was the first company to create an artificial intelligence training platform. It is noteworthy that any person can be engaged in training, performing simple tasks, but first things first.
The SYPWAI project is aimed at the possibility of training a neural network. Thanks to its development, artificial intelligence can now not only process data, but also work with new incoming information. It has become a real breakthrough in science, because the project is now relevant both for large companies and ordinary owners of smartphones and other gadgets.
Financial reward for users
The idea and development success is really interesting, but what do ordinary users get? It’s hard to believe but the platform allows you to earn money. In order to receive a financial reward, users will independently train neural networks by performing particular tasks. It could be the simplest task, for example, to look at the animal shown in the picture and identify what kind of animal it is. There are also more complex options that require particular knowledge, for example, identifying the car model. As you can see, all tasks can be accomplished by people of almost any age and occupation. On average, earnings on a neural network can reach $ 400 a month, if you work actively.
Journalists reported that they independently tried to train the neural network and noted that this job is rather tedious and requires perseverance. However, more and more users join the system, and today, it estimates several thousand people.
Why waste funds that need to be given to other users? It’s simple, the more people connect to the project, the more information artificial intelligence can process. In order for users to treat their work with responsibility and be willing to do it, Theneurosphere decided to give them a bonus in the form of financial compensation. One of the company founders said that the platform needs thousands of people to help to train the neural network, as too many companies want to implement artificial intelligence in their system. But it has to be customized for every single company, which is impossible to do it without using human help.
Theneurosphere scientists have been working with neural networks for over a year. During this time, one problem has emerged that greatly interferes with the entire work process. Often, companies cannot single out a separate data science section, which is necessary for the operation of a neural network. That is, they simply do not have the opportunity to use this technology which could significantly simplify work and solve some of the company’s problems. The platform developers say that platform implementation could create a new occupation – a data marker.
Thus, the prevailing opinion that a neural network and artificial intelligence can deprive many people of workplaces is, clearly, wrong. Thanks to this type of technology, the number of workplaces is only increasing. Moreover, human help will be required for many more years in order for the machine to perform new tasks on its own.

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