MySQL SELECT Statement

Using MySQL SELECT statement you can fetch combination of columns and rows from tables or views, known as a result set. This is the one of the most commonly used queries in MySQL to get […]
Using MySQL SELECT statement you can fetch combination of columns and rows from tables or views, known as a result set. This is the one of the most commonly used queries in MySQL to get […]
To specify a range of test you can use BETWEEN operator. Example of BETWEEN: SELECT * FROM users WHERE age BETWEEN 18 AND 55; Here below 18 and above 55 aged user will be eliminated. […]
MyISAM vs Innodb – both are commonly used engines on MySQL servers and they both have their unique advantages and disadvantages against each other. MyISAM is the default storage engine type for MySQL 5.0 but […]
To group rows into subgroup by one or more values of columns we use MySQL GROUP BY. Suppose in user table same country name exists for many times for different user. So if we use […]
Using CREATE TABLE statement in MySQL you can create a table into the database. The following example shows the statement in the simple form: CREATE TABLE Format: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl` ( tbl_id […]
A segment of declarative SQL statements which is stored inside the database catalog is called stored procedures, invoked by a triggers. Advantages: When stored procedures are created it is compiled and stored in the database […]
To store a temporary result set you can use a special type of table i.e. called MySQL temporary table. To keep temporary data, the temporary tables could be very useful in some cases. When the […]
Sometimes we need to add demo text in a website for checking whether it working fine or somewhere we test website with demo text. So on this case unwanted text inserted into database and you […]
Using IN operator in MySQL you can match the value from a set of values or a subquery. Example of MySQL IN: SELECT * FROM user WHERE country IN (‘IN’,’AUS’); Here both the user from […]
To change the structure of a table you use ALTER TABLE statement. This allows you to add or drop column, change data type, rename table etc. Example of ALTER TABLE: ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE COLUMN […]