WordPress Portfolio plugin has been developed with the purpose of creating a WordPress website that shows all your masterpieces. You can use these plugins to create a type of creative portfolio that can affect others. The best part of using and installing is that you need zero knowledge of coding. This means that it is user-friendly and comes with instructions so that you do not get into any problem.
Deciding among the portfolio is a hefty task, there are numerous of it present in WordPress. Here we have created a list of creative portfolio’s that are counted to be the best among them.
You can have a brief on them here –
1. Envira gallery: One of the best to display all your work in a super responsive and highly customized design, this portfolio plugin makes your portfolio a hundred times easier to process. You can download it from the official WordPress site for free and if you want more advanced features, then you can also get a premium version.
Some of its features are –
- Retina ready and responsive design and layout.
- WooCommerce Integrated and Option to Share Your Work Through Social Media
- Optimized for SEO-friendly and fully motion-driven
- Easy installation and user-friendly drag and drop builder
2. Nimble Portfolio: Nimble Portfolio offers an easy way to add a portfolio to your WordPress site. This is a feature-rich plugin that caters to all the tasks needed to create a unique and attractive portfolio for you. It has the ability to group content using the inbuilt jQuery sort filter.
Portfolio items are a custom post type where you will need to set portfolio item photographs as featured image. The best feature of this plugin is that it can be customized using other add-ons which you can easily search and download. The base Nimbail Portfolio plugin is free and comes with limited skins. For more skins and features, you will need to buy a premium add-on proposed by the developer.
- Custom Post Type Options for Portfolio Items
- Compatible with all types of the post including WooCommerce product and post.
- Supports Vimeo and Quicktime along with video files from YouTube.
- Easy customization options
- Classification and Filter feature to choose from.
- In -Petpo Gallery for image, video and PDF viewing options.
3. Essential Grid: Essential Grid is another great deal for the Premium WordPress Portfolio Plugin, which you can get for maximum functionality. how? Let’s work in detail, for that you may refer to WordPress help. You get regular updates that you can switch whenever you want. This is the all-purpose grid building solution from which you can create unlimited portfolio content.
Easy to customize with visible skin builder and high standard documentation You can use it to create grids for blogs, portfolios, galleries, shops and product sliders. You can not wish for more, than what this plugin offers you.
- Visual Skin Editor which allows easy customization.
- Import and Export Developer Tools
- Retina-ready and fully responsive design
- Compatible with WooCommerce and SEO friendly
- Vimeo supports media from YouTube and SoundCloud as well.
4. Huge IT Portfolio: Huge IT Portfolio Gallery is another fantastic portfolio plugin for WordPress. It’s not easy to show your work online and it’s great to see. With this plugin, you will have access to display all your works in organized and clean portfolio galleries. You can create as many galleries as you want and have options from seven different animated and lightbox-enabled layouts that you can choose from. The flexibility and great customization options are the main attraction of this portfolio plugin for WordPress.
- Unlimited option to create portfolio galleries.
- Auto-generated short-codes that help in easy embedding.
- Fully responsive as well as mobile-friendly design.
- Option to add either images or videos.
- Seven different layouts to choose from.
- Eight different viewing option
5. Media Grid: A unique WordPress portfolio plugin, Media Grid is a great way to create a lasting impression portfolio. Optimized for mobile-friendly design as well as speed, this is another great premium portfolio plugin.
The best part of this plugin is that it supports shortcodes and HTML, and its lightbox is designed to handle large content. The Visual Grid Builder makes this plugin your super easy and fun to create your portfolio.
- Retina Ready and Fully Responsive Design and Layout
- Visual grid builder for easy use
- Supports all types of media from images to audio.
- Unlimited features and related icon options.
- Comes with 10 preset styles.
- SEO friendly and WooCommerce ready.
6. Go Portfolio: With this plugin, you can get all the features you might need. You can create an unlimited portfolio with advanced export and import system. This portfolio plugin for WordPress is retina ready and also fully responsive.
Another great aspect of this is that this plugin is also a visual composer compatible. You can also sell your images or videos because this plugin is WooCommere Ready.
Here check out for more features:
- 38 Starter comes with the template.
- This plugin supports all touchscreen devices.
- Easy customization and admin settings
- Retina ready design which is fully responsive.
- Visual Composer Compatible thus saving your time.
An online portfolio plugin for WordPress can be a great way to display your creative work in a great way. Hopefully, you have a better idea of why you want to use the portfolio plugin, along with some best recommendations to help you get started.
The way you display your creative work, it is almost as important as the task. There is no excuse for having a lack portfolio with the sheer amount of available WordPress portfolio plugins.
For any types of queries, you can contact us on info[at]namasteui.com.