A Detailed Step by Step Taobao Shopping Guide

E-Commerce Lessons

Taobao is an online shopping hub which offers you with literally anything you want. However, there is just one downside and that is everything is in Chinese here and this is why shoppers struggle. If you don’t know Chinese but want to shop on Taobao, then you should go for Taobao in English. Here is a step by step shopping guide for you:

Page translation on Chrome

You can use Google Chrome page translation service. Access the website on your Chrome browser and just click the translation icon on the search bar. However, remember this page translation is only accessible on the web and you cannot do it for the app.

Sign up for an account

Sign up procedure is simple and straightforward on Taobao. Just click on the register button for a new account. You can also use the English version of the registration. Mention your mobile number and a verification code will come.

Mention your shipping details

Click on your Taobao account number and choose account setting. Pick shipping address and fill in your delivery address.

Start shopping

After you have set up your account, you just need to start shopping. All you need to do is type in the product in the search bar and you will get your search results. There are three ways to search if you don’t know Chinese:

Search in English: It will detect your search even if you write in English.

Chinese: You can search in Chinese by getting your keyword translated at Google Translate. Though it may not be completely accurate but you will get results.

Search with pictures: If you have picture of the product you want to search, you can upload it through the camera icon on the search bar. If the product will be available on Taobao, you will get the results.

Shop and ship

Once you have found your product, done your shopping, all you need to do is make the payment and wait for it to get delivered!

Tips for those who are shopping for the first time at Taobao

  1. If you aren’t very confident in your first purchase, don’t buy too much. Choose just a few items to test. In case, you face any hindrances during your shopping, seek help from a friend who knows Chinese.
  2. A lot of items are available at very dirty cheap rates on Taobao and the quality is amazing, hence you should control yourself while making purchase as the shipping cost may get high.
  3. It is very important to assess the seller and product when you are making your purchase.
  4. However, if you don’t want to go through this stress, then just choose a Taobao agent like EngTB. All you need to do is enter the keyword and you will get search results from Taobao in English language. You can easily do your shopping in English without anyone’s help.

So, if you want to access Taobao in English, then EngTB is your one-stop solution. Choose it to have a seamless shopping experience.

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