
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery In Mumbai- Less Pain & Faster Recovery


Bariatric surgery, which includes gastric bypass and other weight-loss treatments, involves making adjustments to your digestive system to help you lose weight. When diet and exercise haven’t worked or you’re having major health problems as a result of your weight, you may need bariatric surgery. You may be limited in how much you can consume as a result of some operations. Other methods function by inhibiting the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients. Some procedures combine the two.

While bariatric surgery has many advantages, all weight-loss surgeries are big procedures with significant risks and negative effects. To help assure the long-term effectiveness of bariatric surgery, you must also make permanent healthy dietary adjustments and exercise on a regular basis.

Dr. Harsh specializes in minimally invasive bariatric surgery in Mumbai. In comparison to typical open surgery, these methods are performed laparoscopically and require only a few small incisions. For you, this could mean less pain and scarring, fewer complications, a shorter stay in the hospital, and a quicker recovery.

Bariatric Surgery Types:

LAP-BAND: This newer treatment involves wearing a plastic ring around the top of the stomach that may be adjusted to control the amount and rate of food consumption.

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery: The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery considers “Roux-en-Y” gastric bypass surgery to be the gold standard (ASMBS). Making a thumb-sized pouch out of the stomach and attaching the intestines to the new, smaller stomach is the procedure. The intestines are reunited further downstream, resulting in decreased nutrition absorption. Most bariatric surgeons prefer this method over the others. However your surgeon will decide the best procedure for you depending on several factors.

Sleeve Gastrectomy (Laparoscopic): This technique entails stapling the stomach to form a vertical sleeve that empties into the small intestine. The stomach is eliminated to the extent that around 75% of it is eliminated, restricting caloric intake and facilitating weight loss.

Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch: It is reserved for the most severely morbidly obese patients, achieves greater weight loss than any other bariatric treatment. A smaller, tubular stomach pouch is made by removing a section of the stomach, comparable to a sleeve gastrectomy; second, a considerable piece of the small intestine is bypassed.

Revisional Surgery: This technique corrects past weight loss surgery difficulties and failures. Due to weight regain, surgical complications, or device malfunction, around 10% to 25% of all bariatric patients undergo a revisional procedure.

Diet and Post-Bariatric Surgery Care

If you choose Dr. Harsh for bariatric surgery in Mumbai, our attention does not cease after your procedure. Our devoted staff, led by board-certified surgeon Dr. Harsh, is here to help you maintain your commitment to a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life. We provide everything you need to meet your weight loss goals, from one-on-one nutritional advice to continuing medical monitoring.

Diet Following Surgery

Before and after surgery, the majority of Mumbai’s bariatric surgery clinics give specialized nutritional advice and medical therapy. You’ll transition from a liquid to a pureed diet right after your treatment to allow your body to repair. To maximize recuperation and reduce the danger of unwanted problems, it’s critical to stick to this diet.

A licensed dietitian nutritionist will then create a customised plan, which may include vitamin supplements, to meet nutrient requirements. She’ll work with you one-on-one to help you develop and maintain healthier eating habits so you can reach your long-term wellness objectives.

After-Operation Personal Care

You’ll be discharged from the hospital after your weight-loss surgery depending on your unique progress. We’ll go through particular food and activity directions, as well as precautions and instances in which Dr. Harsh should be alerted, before we leave.

When you return home, you should prepare to take it easy while your body heals and you begin to lose weight. For the first 3-6 weeks after surgery, strenuous activity is prohibited. We recommend having someone stay with you at home for the first few days after surgery to assist with cleanliness, wound care, and any medical concerns that may arise.

Dr. Harsh will plan a series of meetings with you in the months following surgery, as well as annually thereafter, to check your progress.

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