
7 Tips For Moving To A New House With Your Pets


Humans aren’t the only ones who stress about moving to a new home. Your furry friends are more than likely experiencing just as much anxiety about changing up their daily routines and settling into a new environment as you are! Let’s scratch one more thing off that moving checklist by taking note of seven great tips on moving your fur-kids.

1. Find A New Vet

This is a golden rule for pet owners. Consider looking for a new vet if you’re relocating to a new area. Also, inform your former vet about the relocation. That way, you can carry over pet records and prescriptions easily. Note any emergency vets nearby as well in case anything unexpected should happen. Consider also updating your pet’s tags in case the animal escapes. Consider investing in pet health insurance, which helps you to cope with the costs associated with regular checkups and can relieve you of any worries about veterinary bills in case of an accident. Another very important thing you should take care of is the pet insurance. Before making a purchase, make sure to find the best pet insurance for your loved one.

2. Introduce Pups to the Environment Early

It’s a good idea to take your pet to the new home and walk them around the new neighborhood. That way, they get used to the new environment, and the final move won’t be as stressful. Hand over a few treats or feed them at the new home to become familiar with the environment. Sometimes, bringing your canine on a tour of the house is helpful. That way, your dog gets a chance to take in the new smells and get familiar with the surroundings.

3. Travel Smart

Dogs are den animals and tend to feel safe in small spaces. Especially if your pup is crate trained, you should have no problem traveling with them. Make sure they have toys, blankets, and make use of dog carriers for better movement.

Cats, however, tend to hate traveling and confined spaces like travel carriers. Get them used to their carrier by placing treats, toys, and a comfortable heated blanket for cats inside. If possible, give your pets a safe, calming medication to relax, especially if it’s a long journey. Calming pheromone sprays can also be used on cat carriers an hour before you intend to leave.

Smaller pets like birds, it is best to use a travel cage instead of their daily cage. Just make sure they can see out of it since birds are more relaxed when they can see their surroundings.

Fish can be fragile, so carefully move them in water from their old tank. Sometimes, a pet store will even hold onto them for you until you’re settled; but this can be expansive.

For guinea pigs, keep them in warm, small travel carriers. Like fish, they can be very fragile and easily stress their hearts if they’re tossed around.

Also, make sure you transport pets in your vehicle that’s familiar to them. The back of a moving truck is NO place for your furry friends!

To move the furniture and luggage, you can get a moving quote online. However, if you need one to transfer your pets, get the help of a professional cbdmovers.com.au/removals/removalists-melbourne.

4. Make an OverNight Kit

An overnight kit should contain essential items like food, food bowls, toys, treats, blankets, kitty litter, litter box and scooper, a leash, and grooming tools in an easily accessible bag. This will get you through moving day and any other days following as you settle in. If you give your pet raw food, be sure to put it in a clearly labeled cooler.

5. Move Pets Last

It’s better to move as much of the house as you can before moving your pets. (Personally speaking, every time I’ve moved with my pets, they moved in when I moved in, i.e. when most if not all of the house has been moved first). For their comfort, set up as much of the new home as possible, even if it’s one room. Confine them to these areas as you unpack. Introducing familiar items like blankets, beds, and toys will also ease their anxieties. 

6. Keep Them Away From The Chaos

On the official move-in day, it’s best to seclude your pets in a quiet room away from all the bustling. When you’re moving, there tend to be many open doors and windows, and you can’t watch your pets as much as you’d like.

If you leave them in a kennel or carrier, make sure the temperature is adequate and that they have plenty of food and water, especially if they’ll be there for some time. You might even consider keeping a pet gate in a door frame, keep in mind that larger dog breeds and cats tend to jump. If you choose to leave them in a separate area, be sure to check on them as often as possible.

7. Maintain Routines

Adjusting can take quite some time for most pets. Dogs tend to have an easier time adjusting to their new home. If you can find the time on move-in day, taking dogs for walks or spending a decent amount of time playing with them will help them relax. A tired dog may have a less stressful experience during all the commotion of the move! Cats, in particular, can have a more difficult time adjusting to new environments than dogs. As a side note, it is crucial to understand that even the best potty-trained pets may have accidents due to stress in the new home.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a routine, particularly the ones you had in the prior home, will help alleviate any of your pets’ anxieties and expedite their comfort in the new space. Designate scheduled meals and bedtimes, playtime, and take dogs on walks at the usual time. Show your pets around on a small tour of the new home. Lead them to the places where food dishes, beds, pee pads (if you use them), and litter boxes are placed.  

Overall, moving and adjusting to a new home can be stressful for your fur babies. But following some of these seven simple steps can help ease the transition during the move and after-making a happy new home for all!

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