
10 Tips for Increasing WordPress Performance


WordPress is a robust CMS solution that powers websites for businesses worldwide. More than half of people who use a content management system utilize WordPress. WordPress is appealing because it is easy for front-end or back-end users. 

However, if WordPress is not properly optimized, it might be very slow. Increasing WordPress performance is undoubtedly a popular topic right now. Luckily, there are many methods you can use to do the task.

Here are a few suggestions for improving the performance of WordPress sites.

1. Select a Reputable WordPress Host

A strong hosting company is one of the simplest ways to boost the performance of your WordPress website. Selecting a host just based on the performance is not a wise decision. Instead, consider WordPress optimized hosting. You may be sure that you’ll always receive the most current and dependable support because they created their technology to serve WordPress websites.

2. Stay Updated

Regular updates are made to the WordPress core, your themes, and any plugins you may have installed. These upgrades address any security flaws and include new capabilities in addition to fixing bugs. You may enhance the overall efficiency of your website by using the most recent WordPress components.

Additionally, maintaining your website up-to-date will guarantee that it is safe and unaffected by any threats from security holes.

3. Select a Top-Notch WordPress Theme

The performance of your site will be impacted by the theme you select. It would help if you only chose WordPress themes from reputable vendors when selecting. Additionally, you should purchase a theme that includes the capabilities you need. Using extensions, you may always expand the features of your website.

4. Uninstall Unusable Plugins

Your site will load more slowly and be more likely to experience a plugin clash, which might cause it to go offline as you add more plugins.

Deactivate and remove any plugins you don’t use to get started. Then, you can begin going through your menu of plugins and disabling each one at a time to figure out which ones are significantly dragging down your website. If you discover plugins that significantly slow down your website, try to operate without them or look for a lighter replacement.

5. Apply a CDN

A CDN will host your quality web files across numerous servers simultaneously. In this manner, CDN will serve the edition of your website nearest to a user’s location every time they view it.

If you are utilizing a reliable WordPress server, it’s possible that they already include a CDN in their hosting package or that they have collaborated with a reputable CDN provider.

6. Scale Back Your Homepage

You can increase the processing of these sites if your homepage features a sitemap or if you have numerous categories and archives pages that include blog articles. Every individual article’s whole text is displayed by default in WordPress. In addition to being slow to load, this will force your customers to scroll extensively to discover what they’re seeking.

7. Implement a Caching Plugin

A dynamic edition of that page will be created by WordPress each time someone visits your website. Because of caching, fewer database requests will be necessary, and your user will rather receive a static HTML version of the website. You can considerably enhance WordPress’ functionality and quickness with caching. Your host may occasionally already have a built-in caching system.

8. Disable Trackbacks and Pingbacks

The WordPress features like pingbacks and trackbacks don’t benefit your website much. Essentially all you’ll get nowadays are spam messages, even though their main purpose is to aid WordPress websites in communication. You can disable pingbacks and trackbacks to boost WordPress speed quickly.

9. Utilize File Minification

You can lessen their overall file size and improve browser readability by minifying your files. The more time it takes to view a file, the worse your site will operate.

This method is more effective because it will reduce the total amount of working files that must be processed overall and tidy up the site’s internal code. It will require a lot of effort and technical knowledge to make these changes to your Javascript and CSS files. However, some plugins can minify and ease your work.

10. Utilize Third-Party Video Hosting Sources

Hosting clips on your website can slow it down if it has a large amount of video material. Videos use a lot of data, which might soon cause you to exceed your hosting constraints if your server has a low bandwidth utilization.

WordPress can host videos, but that does not mean you must. Numerous alternatives will enable quick video playback without impairing your efficiency. You can include videos on your website without storing them using embed codes from websites like YouTube. Alternatively, select a rising third-party service if you decide to host films on your own.


It would help if you took having a WordPress site that performs well properly. The advice mentioned above should assist you in optimizing your current website so that it runs efficiently and provides the greatest consumer experience. We have covered several tried-and-true methods that you may use right now to enhance the functionality of your website.

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