The Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers You Need to Know

Introduction When you’re at the office, there’s probably an IT guy taking care of things you don’t think about, like data security and password vulnerability. You’re probably given a randomly generated password to use as your login, and your office computer might even have encryption on it if the IT guy’s good at what he […]

The Pros and Cons of Getting a Marketing Doctorate: Is It Really Worth It?

Academics and professionals who desire to become experts in a particular topic might pursue a Ph.D., or doctor of philosophy, as an advanced degree. Depending on a person’s job aspirations, there might be several advantages and disadvantages to pursuing them, just like with all formal schooling. By learning about these program components, you can decide […]

Create a Genogram Quickly With EdrawMax

Lead-in Part Etymologically speaking, a genogram consists of two words – geno- and -gram. Geno comes from family, tribe, race, and genetics, whereas gram means something written, recorded, or otherwise drawn. As one can see, a genogram is a graphical representation of someone’s entire family history while mentioning their medical and other health issues. In […]

Technical Capabilities of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Until recently, an integral part of the training was exposure to the standard software development life cycle (SDLC). This would start with requirements analysis, and then be followed by planning, engineering and design, development, testing, deployment, and finally maintenance. Many learn waterfall, iterative, and agile software development models also. Almost every organization is trying to […]