How to Start Preparing for a career in Investment Banking?

Fat paychecks and Wall Street culture! These are certain things that’s prevalent amongst the younger generation today. No doubt the salary compensation of an investment banker exceeds way beyond what a regular finance guys earns. But how determined are you? Most youngsters are drawn towards taking up a career in investment banking for all the […]

The Importance of Investing in High-Quality Equipment When Starting a Business

The success of a business depends on a number of different factors. Productivity, marketability, innovation, and reliability are probably most frequently discussed as key contributors in this story. However, it is hard to look at all of the things we covered above and not to notice they are all laid on one common foundation – […]

Funding Your Dreams: Exploring Financing Options for Startups

Startups can completely change the owner’s life and even the whole society, in some cases. But the dream of a startup is a very costly one. An individual can’t bear all the costs of the business themselves. That’s why getting funding for your startup is essential.  But do you know where you can get funding […]

6 Great Start-Up Funding Options Appropriate for Your Start-Up Business

According to NASSCOM, start-ups in India witnessed an upsurge of 108% in funding in 2018 compared to the previous year. The main reason behind this growth is the rise of various funding sources and multiple schemes from the government. The introduction of GST has also simplified the supply chain management system and reduced the operational […]

Office Chairs and the Entrepreneur: What Startups Need to Know About Seating

The role of office chairs in creating an efficient, productive startup is often overlooked. But as any Adelaide entrepreneur would tell you, where you sit can greatly impact your health, comfort, and, ultimately, work. Therefore, as a startup owner in a bustling city like Adelaide or anywhere else, it’s important to appreciate the significance of […]

The Market Research Guide for Startup Success

Market research is crucial to the success of every business regardless of its size and scope. According to research studies, a major reason for most startup failures is lack of knowledge about consumer needs, suppliers, market trends, competition, product pricing, and marketing. Startups owners are faced with unique business challenges and tough competition from already […]

Things to Know About Corporate Tax in Singapore for Foreign Investors

Singapore is considered a tax haven due to its low tax rates and other benefits for foreign investors. Residents are subject to a progressive personal income tax. The highest tax bracket is applied to income over S$320,000 (Singapore dollars, or SGD), and the top marginal rate is 22% through tax year 2023. The highest marginal […]