How to advertise in Instagram: write a correct brief to influencers

What is a brief (or technical task) for an Instagram influencer? This is an instruction for an influencer, which is written by the advertiser. A brief for an influencer can be written in free form: a file in Google Docs or a simple message in Direct. Another option is to make a technical task part […]

10 Tips for Hiring a Web3 Community Manager for an NFT Collection

Hiring a community manager for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) project in the decentralized web3 space is a crucial step towards building a thriving and engaged community. Why? It’s this person or group of people that can share your vision at scale, and recruit new users to your platform that can ultimately make or break your […]

Trends and rules for creating websites for 2020

The number of websites is growing every year. More and more companies are investing in making the website their full-fledged showcase. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to stand out and you need to be up to date with trends so that our web design is considered modern.  Responsiveness, responsiveness, responsiveness In times of intuitive CMS, […]

Maximizing Digital Marketing for Lead Generation in the Construction Industry

No matter what sector of the construction industry you exist in, you’re probably aware of how highly competitive the market can be. From roofing contractors to landscaping professionals, there are tons of construction businesses that are all constantly vying for the attention of homeowners and property managers. And while traditional marketing methods still generate results, […]