How to advertise in Instagram: write a correct brief to influencers

What is a brief (or technical task) for an Instagram influencer? This is an instruction for an influencer, which is written by the advertiser. A brief for an influencer can be written in free form: a file in Google Docs or a simple message in Direct. Another option is to make a technical task part […]

Instagram Giveaways: How To Run An Effective One (With Examples)

Instagrammers are easily persuaded by giveaways. If you’re looking to get your business or even brand out there, then capitalizing on this marketing opportunity is a good idea. Giveaways are a great way to gain new followers who will now see you as an authority in your field. If you are looking for clear and […]

Taplink – landing page that drives your sales on Instagram

Use Taplink marketing tools and smart links to attract potential customers and generate traffic. Many owners of business accounts are faced with the issue that their followers don’t go to the website added to the Instagram bio. If you do want to redirect followers to another website, use Taplink.It can show you all the marketing […]

Facebook and Instagram dashboards helping in time management

Introduction: Today Instagram and Facebook dashboard are introducing new platforms to let us know about how an individual is spending on an application. These dashboards come with setting for daily limits and temporarily muting push notifications. The new set of features, popularly known as “Your time on Facebook” and “Your activity” on Instagram, are specifically […]

How To Gain Free Instagram Followers and Likes Easily-GetInsta

We all know that Instagram is a very famous social platform that attracts more and more active users every day. Many brands get the best promotions through Instagram. However, there are still many brands or users who lose their hopes and deactivate their accounts after seeing very few Instagram followers. What for? Because they think […]

Easy Steps To Learn Online Marketing

No matter what business you’re in, you just can’t escape the power of online marketing. Our life today is surrounded by internet in aspects that weren’t imaginable a decade earlier. An ever-increasing number of people have found solace in online for everything they need. From searching for compelling content to shopping, the internet is the […]