Workplace Solutions: How to Work in Peace and Quiet

Distractions, distractions, distractions. Every bit of plastic with a chip is buzzing out notifications nowadays. Everyone, from your girlfriend’s sister to your cousin’s cat, needs to talk to you. And they’ll be very disappointed if it’s not NOW. And your dog still needs walking, your lunch still needs preparing, but your boss just sent you […]

How to Grow Your Network While Traveling Abroad

Networking traditionally means establishing a base of contacts for the professional industry. However, nowadays, networks expand into the field of friends and general acquaintances. Growing your network can be as easy as keeping in touch with your friends as you grow old, establishing relationships with classmates when you’re studying, and talking to everyone you work […]

Think Marketing Strategies Presentations are not needed for your small business? Think Again!

Every successful business has top-of-the-line marketing strategies. It may take hundreds of efforts to develop the best plan to lead an organization to success. Verbally convincing your team that you’re putting in the work isn’t enough to prove how the strategy will create magic in the marketing process. That is why experts say preparation is […]