JavaScript Arrays

variable is undefined or null

The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in a single variable.

The JavaScript Arrays object is a global object that is used to store multiple values in a single variable i.e. collection of elements.


var cars = [

Note: Never put a comma after the last element (like “Nissan”,). This can be effected is inconsistent across different browsers.

Using keyword new:

var cars = new Array("Fiat", "BMW", "Nissan");

Use [] instead because, there is no need to use the JavaScript’s new Array().

Read Also: Detect Browser in JavaScript

How to access:

By index number, you can an array element.

var firstCar = cars[0];

cars[0] is the first element
cars[1] is the second element
cars[2] is the third element

So, for last element:

var lastCar = cars[cars.length - 1];

Length of an Array:

The length property of an array returns the length of an array.


Looping an Array:

cars.forEach(function (item, index, array) {
console.log(item, index);

Add to the end:

var newArray = cars.push("Innova");

Remove from the end:

var lastArray = cars.pop();

Remove from the front:

var first = cars.shift();

Add to the front:

var newLength = cars.unshift("Alto");

Find the index:

var pos = cars.indexOf("Innova");

Remove an item by Index Position:

var removedItem = cars.splice(pos, 1);

Copy an Array:

var carsCopy = cars.slice();

Recognize an Array:

typeof cars;

The difference between Arrays and Objects is that arrays use numbered indexes whereas objects use named indexes.

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