AI Research Writers: Are They Game Changers or a Threat to the Academia?

Artificial Intelligence has become a significant part of our daily lives and has successfully automated hundreds of our day-to-day activities. Recent AI developments have entirely transformed the landscape in the field of thesis research and writing. AI research writers have changed the game of thesis research and writing. AI-powered programs such as ChatGPT have relieved […]

Should You Use Chat GPT or Assignment Writing Services for Academic Help?

Being a student is non-stop fun, only in movies. In reality, you have to deal with an avalanche of assignments, along with attending classes and prepping for tests and exams. Add holding onto a job into the mix – and you may barely have time for friends, family, or yourself! If you cannot meet all […]

15 Actionable Writing Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Written content is one of the most essential parts of digital marketing strategies most brands and companies develop and follow. While video content dominates the marketing industry, the written pieces are also important for those who still prefer to read and for search engines, of course. Below we have gathered 15 effective and actionable tips […]

Dynamic content: a guide to writing quick emails

Dynamic content is closely related to personalization. It provides its most visual implementation. Being changeable content (text, image, video), it is able to adapt to the priorities and characteristics of the user. This is probably why 65% of marketers consider it the most effective personalization solution. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to implement […]